2009 A Star Note

Noticed this note just now and was wondering if it has any value above face? Yes it's modern but looks to be in mint condition, no folds etc.
2009 A dated.
Love the 1885-CC Morgan
Noticed this note just now and was wondering if it has any value above face? Yes it's modern but looks to be in mint condition, no folds etc.
2009 A dated.
It’s from a low run of 640K notes but in this day and age, it’s hard justifying squirreling away $100 just because it’s a replacement note. A friend of mine started collecting around 2006. He collected mostly modern $100 replacement notes and had them graded. He’s selling his collection now and told me he now regrets it. Between inflation and grading fees, he’s upside down on values. Just something to think about.
Also, it appears to have a center fold. Shine a light across the note to detect folds.
good serial number as well, i like