1984 D Lincoln lack of information

As a new collector I tend to do extensive research on the items before asking there's one that I came across today that I do have to ask about because I cannot seem to find anything about it is a 1984 D Lincoln cent and the columns seem to have been broken up more or less wanted to know if this is a mint error or post mint. Any and all comments and constructive criticism greatly appreciated.
Howdy and welcome.
It certainly appears to be post-mint damage (PMD). As an aside, your username might raise a few eyebrows.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
Thanks much your input and knowledge are very much appreciated let me head over and make some complete changes .
I agree, PMD.
vegas, baby!
Agreed. You might want to change your username if you plan to stick around. We like to keep this forum family friendly.
To the forum….
Perhaps it is my age showing but…
I truly don’t mind his or her questions but i am really offended by their username. I know that many will believe that i have no sense of humor but why has our society seem to have lost almost all sense of decorum and decency?
I am by no means a prude, but if he thinks his user name is ‘funny’ among this group of professionals collectors then he is sadly mistaken. A whopping two posts and this is the profile name nonsense he comes up with? Unbelievable….
Someone should join with the username Ivonna Spendit
Presumably, the profile name was chosen before any posts were made.😉 Regardless, the number of posts is and should be irrelevant. The name would still be inappropriate if it were used after thousands of posts.
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
His first post originally had a different profile name and a follow-on post said he might want to change it….and what we see now is the ‘change’…from bad to worse. 😉 For now I have him on ‘ignore’…..