apparently, Tommy almost unretired again

in Sports Talk
just read a report that Tommy was going to launch another comeback this past May until his friends held a retirement party for him. he said it kind of "forced his hand"
stupid friends...
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Post the link if you get a chance
Stupid friends indeed, this is how Tom Brady should have looked when he retired!
Well at least that's not as bad as Jets fans. They're still hoping that Joe Namath comes back. 🤣
@perkdog, hopefully this works...
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
As the article suggests, I think Tom is just kidding around with us.
Although he likely does have at least some night time dreams about returning. Just like all of us do when we end some sort of relationship.
Mantle used to say that he constantly had night time dreams about returning to the ball park and play. But he said usually in the dream, the gates were locked and he couldn't get in.
Thanks bud
no, dont say that. I have been sitting by my laptop since last February hitting refresh every 30 seconds because i just know the report that my Tommy is coming back again will be uploaded soon...
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.