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Heritage 2024 Winter FUN Signature Auction (Jan 10th-14th)


The catalogs arrived in my mailbox recently, and I finally had time to thumb through them as the holidays wind down. There are some incredible offerings, including lots of patterns and even a Mint appointment letter signed by George Washington.

On the pattern front, the Half Union certainly caught my eye—actually, there are TWO of these in the Platinum session, both Simpson examples with consecutive cert#s, in gilt and copper, respectively.

There’s a nice selection of 20c pieces including a number of proofs, but—thankfully for my bank account—no 1877s. There’s a top pop Simpson Sailor Head in PR66+DCAM that must be stunning in hand. I’m going to pull it in lot viewing this week.

Anything catch anyone else’s attention about the auction? Feel free to add photos so this is a visual thread.

Nothing is as expensive as free money.


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