Help with building a shield nickel collection

Hello, Im looking to try and build a shield nickel collection. Please let me know if you can help.
Id like to try and acquire coins in full rim VG possibly up to Fine for the collection. Hoping to get them via trades, not cash. Dont know how feasible this will be, but will be a fun collection to start. Let me know what you have and what you would be willing to accept via trades! Prefer no corrosion/pitting/cleaned coins, just honest wear. Thanks in advance!
I have no nickels for the collection at the present moment.
EDIT: Thanks to generous members, I have an 1874 and 1867NR on the way. Anyone else want to trade?
EDIT: Mark off 66R, 68, 72, and 76.
EDIT: Mark off 1873 Open 3
I have some that may meet your condition criteria let me check and I will PM you a picture and gladly send you 1 to help with your endeavor.