2018 D DDO. MDR?

I'm really wondering if on the reverse side if this is called machine doubling or if this is a double die?
I'm really wondering if on the reverse side if this is called machine doubling or if this is a double die?
All the so called doubling looks like what happens when zincolns are struck with worn dies (DDD).
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
sure looks like doubling to me. S in Trust, LIB in Liberty. I've never seen machine doubling look like that and the L in Liberty is definitely off the rim so I'll rule out worn dies. But, then I am not an error expert by any stretch of the imagination.
Merry Christmas too!
vegas, baby!
Appears as Die Deterioration Doubling (DDD) to me as well, this can be quite a dramatic look on the zinc Lincolns as is the case here.
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