can anyone ID these 3?

An old friend has asked me to identify and tell her anything about these 3 foreign coins, which I am 100% clueless about. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
I figured out the first one with the help of Google. It's a Peru 8R tourist novelty souvenir token.
When in doubt, don't.
The third is an imitation of a cistophoric tetradrachm.
The Mysterious Egyptian Magic Coin
Coins in Movies
Coins on Television
Unfortunately, none of them are genuine coins.
Left: copper replica of a silver "pirate piece of eight" - Spanish-colonial 8 reales, as you have already discovered.
Centre: brass replica of a "Reyes Catolicos" silver real of Ferdinand and Isabella. This particular replica, with very heavily blundered legends, has been seen numerous times on the forums before; here's one from 2017:
Given the number of them that seem to exist, I assume it's mass-produced and mass-distributed, probably from Readers Digest or some such.
Right: a "tourist copy" of a ancient Greek cistophoric tetradrachm, as noted by WillieBoyd2 above.
Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius, "Meditations"
Apparently I have been awarded one DPOTD.
Thank you SO much Sapyx and WillieBoyd2!
These mediocre cell phone pixs are all that I have to work with, so it's tremendously impressive that you can nonetheless identify them as reproductions.
I was unsure about the authenticity of #3 but have confidence in the opinions of @WillieBoyd2 and particularly @Sapyx, whose opinion of ancients carries a lot of weight with me.
I immediately recognized #1 and #2 as tourist replicas of Spanish coins. #1 is especially bad.
Sorry we don't have better news for your friend.
Actually your pics are quite nice compared to some posted here and these copies are crude enough to be very easily distinguished from genuine examples.
The most unusual feature of the cistophoric tetradrachm may be that this one is well centered. Genuine ones are almost always off center. But the surfaces and devices aren't quite right, either.