Clad Burples
Let’s dive into some clad toning…in particular shades of blue and purple. On silver coins, this is often deemed a late stage color, but what about on clad copper nickel combo? Is it a stage or late stage? My sense is a clad coin is destined to a be a color, it’s more a matter of bringing it out. In other words, keeping a clad coin naturally exposed over time to elements (no accelerated toning for these purposes), will it reach a point of saturation/layers and start turning blue and purple, or will it start out that way and either you catch it or it will turn to what…a black? I’ve not seen a black clad coin but I have seem em on silvers (referred to as terminal color).
Below are some toned ikes for comparison, and a full post is on my instagram page - cladking
Why does it say cladking at the end?
It's his/her Instagram handle.
Smitten with DBLCs.
Nice set!
Here is my contribution:
I think we already have a CladKing here.
Type collector, mainly into Seated. -formerly Ownerofawheatiehorde. Good BST transactions with: mirabela, OKCC, MICHAELDIXON, Gerard
Welcome, @kookstek — We speak of our buddy, Cladking, who posts often here. The name carries some cachet.