Two Dollars Bills worth $2,000? on the Bay?

Did I miss something while I was asleep. There are so many two bills on Ebay, in varying conditions, dates and serial numbers where the sellers are calling them rare and asking $2,000 plus for them. What did I miss? I avoid $2.00 bills like the plague., unless there is a real reason for high dollar value.
Do you have a link?
A seller can ask what he wants up to $2500.00 for an uncertified coin or bill
but that does not mean that’s what he sold it for. There are sellers who ask
ridiculous amounts in the hopes that some uninformed buyer might bite on it.
What happens is that one seller will post something ridiculous and other uninformed
people will see it and think that is what it is worth so they will list the same thing.
Best to just ignore these postings, there are hundreds of them listed and anyone stupid
enough to pay that deserves to be taken. You can’t fix stupid.
Looking at the high asking prices on eBay is the equivalent of reading the National Enquirer magazine and believing it’s real news…
In November, an article made the rounds of social media that $2.00 bills may be worth big money. Here is an example from Yahoo finance.
Since most people only read the headline, they think the $2.00 bills are worth a lot.
We've had a few people walk into our shop trying to sell us "rare" $2 bills.
I just printed a copy of the note in question to show people why this $2 note sold for so much
I love using them in circulation because people get so excited when I use one (or more).
But then I can't leave them with the false impression that they are worth more than $2 (that would be malpractice as a professional numismatist), so I comment. "They are only worth $2. You can still get them from the bank."
This is always followed by a look of surprise and/or disappointment. So, I guess it's a wash. Make 'em happy, then disappoint them. Should I just keep my mouth shut after I use them and promote ignorance?
Only $2 in my collection. No 2013 graded lower, anywhere
Lowball Sacagawea Dollars (PO01-XF45)
braddick, Omegaraptor, JWP, EagleScout2017, OAKSTAR, Twobitcollector, boxerdad, OKCC, Fancycashcom, JimW, MWallace, Tookybandit, TeacherCollector, jeffas1974, mainejoe, kansasman, Cent1225, SurfinxHI, Soldi, Histman, CurrenSee, jclovescoins, Outhaul, Timbuk3, LEMONHEAD_PENNY, daverickey, Maxcrusha, RedSeals
OMG. I can’t imagine a $2 note getting that much circulation.
I still can't figure it out. It's evenly circulated as well, and it was graded in 2014, not long after issued. Not a single tear, hole, just dark on both sides.
Lowball Sacagawea Dollars (PO01-XF45)
braddick, Omegaraptor, JWP, EagleScout2017, OAKSTAR, Twobitcollector, boxerdad, OKCC, Fancycashcom, JimW, MWallace, Tookybandit, TeacherCollector, jeffas1974, mainejoe, kansasman, Cent1225, SurfinxHI, Soldi, Histman, CurrenSee, jclovescoins, Outhaul, Timbuk3, LEMONHEAD_PENNY, daverickey, Maxcrusha, RedSeals
Looks like it has been through the washing machine a couple of times.
Not just faded but has been crumbled.
Not even close. Washing machine notes turn white, for one. For two, very few folds. This note is odd.
Lowball Sacagawea Dollars (PO01-XF45)
braddick, Omegaraptor, JWP, EagleScout2017, OAKSTAR, Twobitcollector, boxerdad, OKCC, Fancycashcom, JimW, MWallace, Tookybandit, TeacherCollector, jeffas1974, mainejoe, kansasman, Cent1225, SurfinxHI, Soldi, Histman, CurrenSee, jclovescoins, Outhaul, Timbuk3, LEMONHEAD_PENNY, daverickey, Maxcrusha, RedSeals
I don’t necessarily agree with this. I’ve accidentally washed paper money and it never turned white. It just got wet. Granted, I seldom use bleach, and I’ve washed modern notes in Dawn dishwashing detergent and the ink never runs or changes colors.
I believe the note was artificially aged.
That part, yes. My guess was a pocket piece and tri folded by hand constantly till limp. The color issue, no clue, but they knew they weren't sending in a Superb Gem, lol
Lowball Sacagawea Dollars (PO01-XF45)
braddick, Omegaraptor, JWP, EagleScout2017, OAKSTAR, Twobitcollector, boxerdad, OKCC, Fancycashcom, JimW, MWallace, Tookybandit, TeacherCollector, jeffas1974, mainejoe, kansasman, Cent1225, SurfinxHI, Soldi, Histman, CurrenSee, jclovescoins, Outhaul, Timbuk3, LEMONHEAD_PENNY, daverickey, Maxcrusha, RedSeals
thats cool