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Error? 1889 Morgan Dollar

Hello All! First of all I want to express that this forum is absolutely amazing and the breadth of knowledge is out of this world. Thanks to all who contribute to this knowledge base.

I inherited a few morgan dollar coins from family. I believe the 1889 coin has an error on the date. The first 8 in the date has a > on the right side and closes the space gap between the top and bottom of the 8.

I have looked over the past several years and I am not able to find any mention of this error. Does anyone have any info on what this is or could be? In your opinion, is it worth grading? Thank you in advance for any info.


  • jonathanbjonathanb Posts: 3,654 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Your coin has the appearance of damage. That would explain why you have found no other mentions. Even if it was a real error, the coin is too worn at this point to confirm either way.

    In my opinion the coin is worth $30-ish as is. After grading, it will still be worth $30-ish. Do you understand how much it would cost to get this graded?

  • johnathanb, yes I do. Was very curious about the possibility of error. Thank you for the information.

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