What does Ben have here? Mystery coin jammed in 1797 slot of a Whitman Half Cent Folder
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Anyone have any idea what Ben has here? It's a very well worn mystery coin that was found in the 1797 slot of a Whitman Half Cent folder, but note that 1) It was jammed in the slot so it's just a tiny bit too big, and 2) There looks to be the beginning of the word "America" on the obverse (which does not appear on a normal 1797 Half Cent). But it does seem to have a "7" as the last digit of the date, and what looks like a pole.
Philately will get you nowhere....
Image of coin for those who don't want to go through the video
Flip over double strike maybe.
A solid mystery for sure.
Maybe triple or more. I think I see another "M" where the top of Liberty's head would be
I watched the video. You may be right, looks like more than two strikes.
Side A: obv 7 in date, bust point, pole; rev AM and reeding twice
Side B: rev AME; obv bust point and pole twice
1. struck normal
then flip over
2. struck aligned after flip
3. struck off center
Or maybe in a different sequence
Very interesting. Looks real to me.
Something for the P01 collectors!