Taylor Swift named Time Magazine Person of the Year!!!

in Sports Talk
Discuss and go crazy because I know you guys act like you hate her and that she's dog-meat, but she's clearly affected the Sport we all cherish.
I think it's well deserved because Taylor is one heckuva football player, and her boyfriend is one heckuva singer.
Although I can't recall any hit songs that he's had? 🤔
I got no problem with her, it's the media and NFL that is making such a huge deal about her personal life
She is in a box seat with Mahomes wife cheering on her boyfriend, nothing nothing more nothing less.
She has done nothing wrong in my opinion
Funny enough he actually does have a Christmas song that is doing good numbers
Wisconsin 2-6 against the SEC since 2007
Her music isn't what I listen to but she wrote "Better Man" for Little Big Town which quite a wonderful song. All that said, my hat goes off to anyone, and I mean anyone, who can have such a positive affect on so many people around the world. In that way alone she is very redemptive of human character.
I didn't know that. Good for him - I like Christmas songs. 😊
I've tried listening to Taylor's songs on Youtube a few times. But I couldn't get past the first 30 seconds without clicking it off. Fingernails on chalkboard to me.
I actually enjoy new music, when i think it's good. For example that song Unstoppable by Sia, is a pretty dam good song. And she is a complete nut job.
When it comes to music, I never cared what the singer was personally. If i like the music, I'll listen to it.
It's the Philly Special Christmas Special. It's to raise money for Philadelphia charities. Jason invited Travis to do a guest spot, and now all of the Swifties are buying it up. Being a closeted Swifty, you know you want it!
No offense, I watched about half the video, and I think I'd prefer a video showing WW2 atrocities. 😉
in all seriousness, raising money for Philly charities is a great effort, and charity work should always be applauded. My favorite over the years has been the March of Dimes. 😊
and we wonder why they are 8 - 4 ???
or is the Back Judge watching TS instead of throwing the yellow flag and calling pass interference ???
just like those old school IBM commercials: You Make The Call Here...
I think it was her first game in KC they said she made a sizeable donation to the KC area food bank. You might say well she’s a billionaire so that’s nothing but she still did it.
A direct way to help hungry people get food. I think she has a good heart. 👍
If you like country listen to her early stuff. Its her best. If you dont like country probably wont be your flavor
Wisconsin 2-6 against the SEC since 2007
She could record the oldie "Kansas City".
I read on that Brazil tour she made $15 million on each performance. Maybe I read it wrong, and it was for the entire tour?
In any event, that's still better than the rich slobs out there who never give a dime to charity.
I do like some country. I think Carl Perkins is an absolute genius, and most have never heard of him.
Taylor should sue to get off that list. 😆
No further comment, or I'll be saying hi to Dimeman. 😉
I say good for her. This lady is living an incredible dream, a BILLIONAIRE at age 32...imagine!! She's good looking, has the music world by the tail, appears go be a very kind and generous lady and is sill pretty well grounded.
She caught the ultimate brass ring, enjoy your fabulous ride.
She made over 4 billion on her tour
Wisconsin 2-6 against the SEC since 2007
She's probably worth her weight in diamonds. 💎
@MCMLVTopps, I'm not a fan or follower of hers but since she's in the limelight lately I went and read her bio. It's pretty amazing and she has worked as hard as any professional athlete to learn and hone her craft. She also received unbridled support from her parents.
I really haven't seen or heard anything about her that would stop anyone from admiring her, but that's JMHO.
I call this "gesture" a very, very classy act from such a young lady.
She appears to be incredibly well grounded and has a deep respect for the staff that makes her shine.
Good on ya lady!!
100%. everything you said.
i remember when "shake it off" came out -- local radio stations would play it every 15 minutes. my eardrums nearly ruptured and i remember googling the nearest psychiatric ward
there are female artists out there with greater raw talent than swift possesses, imo, and sia was a good example. "unstoppable" is indeed a good track, and "the greatest" is another. but sia is a wack job, like you said, and that plays a role for many. just imagine if taylor swift said, "i've dated men, women and everything in between" like sia did. try not to laugh while you're asking yourself if she'd be in the position she's in today. less than zero chance. it's so much more than her music; it's the totality of it all. she has adeptly parlayed various factors -- such as artistic integrity, global and intergenerational appeal, marketing acumen and public image -- into rarefied pop star status.
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
You all know you're going to click this on. So just do it, and get it over with. It's only 34 seconds. 😎
Pennsylvania Native 11-year-old Taylor Swift sang during a Sixers game (2002)
And, what does this have to do with sports? Er, ah................
She just made a donation to a food bank in California that will feed 500,000 people for a year. 500,000 people.
If true, that is awesome! However, the math sounds fishy to me. Even if you can get by feeding someone for 67 cents a day, or $20 a month, or $240 a year, that's $120,000,000 donation to feed 500,000 people for a year.
Shes making over a billion on her tour but it was a donation to a food bank to help that feeds 500k a month. She didnt pay to feed 500k for the year
Wisconsin 2-6 against the SEC since 2007

It's true - there go the trucks to California to the food bank
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"