Thisistheshow - gofundme for funeral expenses

in Sports Talk
Hey guys, I just want to let everyone know that thisistheshow's family is trying to raise money to pay for Eric's funeral, they didn't ask me to do this, I'm doing it on my own. His family are really great people and are going through a very difficult time right now, if you can give anything it would be greatly appreciated. Here is the link to the page:
Thank you double D
Just looking out for the Showman and his family. 👍
thanks for posting this double d
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
You're welcome buddy. 👍
Well deserved, especially hard this time of year.
"I spent 50% of my money on alcohol, women, and gambling. The other half I wasted.
thanks for sharing this @doubledragon. I just had to take a day off from the forum yesterday. first day I have taken off from CU in a long time.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
same. i slept horribly on Sat night. was shell-shocked all day yesterday and truthfully i still am
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
yup. I watched the Pats, just didnt have it in me to post during the game like i usually would.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Bump, Come on everyone, is this the best we can do for Eric and his family? Thank you @perkdog and @galaxy27, and @Hallco for donating guys, I know it would mean the world to Eric, and I donated as well.
Stuart whoever you are, thank you for your donation, you have a heart of Gold. It's times like this that you find out what people are really made of inside.
Thanks double D. I hope a bunch of people step up for this family.
No problem buddy, glad to help, and thank you Danny for your donation. 👍
Cole, thank you for your donation. 👍
Sorry for the low number. I ain’t got the money some of you wealthy guys on here have.
That's quite ok Steve, it's the gesture that counts, you got a good heart buddy, thank you for your donation. 👍
@doubledragon pm sent
"I spent 50% of my money on alcohol, women, and gambling. The other half I wasted.
I'm in...tks DD for posting.
Thanks Al for your donation, you guys are going to make me cry today!
Why did you have to be so nice?
Now i had to donate more to make it a round number.
I don't know what to say Steve, I'm speechless. You guys are just unbelievable, thank you so much buddy. You're making me tear up!
I am a little tapped this month so close to Christmas, but I was able to scrape together a little to throw into the kitty for @thisistheshow
Miss you bud!!!
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Thank you buddy, every bit helps, you got a good heart. 👍
I want to thank everyone again for donating today, you guys really came through and it means a lot to me and Eric's family and I know it would mean the world to Eric. I want to play one last boxing video for my buddy, he knew why I loved Leon Spinks.
You are all great people, I'm proud to associate with you guys here.
Big thank you @Darin for your donation. I second what perkdog said, I'm proud to associate with you guys here. 👍
DD- I had to wait until I got home from work because I hadn’t used PayPal in so long I wasn’t sure I could remember my password.
I was thinking at work today I don’t ever remember showtime getting into a real argument with anyone here. Heck I get into arguments here on a regular basis.😫
I liked to tease him (and Craig) about Brady but he always knew I wasn’t serious when I insulted Brady. He was so good natured and I already miss not having him posting here.
I here you buddy, I haven't used PayPal in literally years, I have no clue what my password was so I had to pay by credit card. I already miss him not posting here, the place feels different without him, a certain emptiness. It's going to be hard to get back in the swing of things again, I was always joking with him and he had such a great sense of humor, and he was my boxing talk buddy. I'm really missing him.
I just want to say thank you so much again to everyone who donated today, you guys really came through for Eric and his family. I know Eric would be so touched by the compassion and kindness you guys showed today, I'm honored to be a part of this wonderful community of people. Thanks again guys. 👍 ❤️
@Brick, Thank you buddy for your donation. 👍
I miss him too. I agree, he was a good-natured guy. I dont remember him getting into any real barnburners (unlike myself...) Us New Englanders tend to be a cantankerous bunch, but he thankfully didnt have that gene. Maybe the Texas heat sweated it out of him. I sure will miss fawning all over Tommy with him.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Eric probably loved this place and the members of this forum more than anyone. he told me as much, but he really didn't need to. it was conveyed by his actions. raise your hand if he messaged you privately out of the blue? i bet many of you can. i don't utilize PMs very often, so on the off chance i receive one it has always been a bit of a surprise. and on numerous occasions i'd get an email notifying me that thisistheshow had sent me a message. i'd open it up and many times it was something as simple as, "hey man, you good?"
the guy cared beyond what most do
kudos to those who have contributed -- i respected each of you before, but this is next-level stuff. eotd, very little we say and do here matters in the grand scheme. but this absolutely matters, and i'd be remiss if i didn't publicly tell you guys how much i personally appreciate your collective efforts. you guys care..........just like Eric did.
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
Bump to $1600....
Thank you buddy for your donation. 👍
Yep, I got many PMs from Eric out of the Blue, asking if I was good. That was the kind of guy he was, a truly good hearted caring person.
Guys, honestly, I've tried to post and I just can't do it, this place just isn't right without Eric. We began talking through PMs in 2020, and talked regularly through the years, we became really close. This place just has an emptiness to it and I honestly don't know if I'll ever be the same here. If I'm not around for a while, I just wanted everyone to know why. Thanks guys again for everything.
Hand raised
"I spent 50% of my money on alcohol, women, and gambling. The other half I wasted.
Its ok DD. take whatever time you need. we are all feeling it and all process it differently. It won't be the same without Eric, but I know he wouldn't want ST to die on the vine.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Thanks buddy, I'll be back eventually, Eric was like family and it's really hard, just need some time heal. 👍
I just wanted to share this message from Eric's family with everyone, it was posted yesterday on the gofundme site.
does anyone know if there has been an obituary shared anywhere?
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
From what I've seen before, the Google web crawler picks things up rather quickly off funeral home websites. Usually within a day, two days normally at the latest, and places the info on Google search. Likely because Google knows the urgency of getting the message out there, about those who have passed and the burial services info, etc, so folks can make arrangements to attend.
I have not seen anything yet about Eric in the mentioned regard, other than the GoFundMe page.
I received a message from Eric's wife today. The plans have been approved and are being finalized to have him sent from the funeral home where he lived in Texas to the one in his home town in Mass. Once that happens, his obituary should be published. She did not say if it would be for both states, but I expect that will be the case. I have an active Google search with immediate email notification once his name comes up online. Assuming it is not posted prior, I will post it to this thread as soon as I see it. Another huge thank you to everyone who helped financially, and to those prayer warriors that continue to send up timber. He would be proud and thankful to each and every one of you!
Thank you for the update @Hallco
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.