Thanks for your help
I thank those who helped me with my initial frustrations with the PCGS registry. To me, it wasn't intuitive what to do and how to edit files. @alaura22 showed me one step that ended torrents of swearing from me and I'm grateful. Others helped as well, and that has enabled me to enjoy the registry. Mine was a classic case of not reading the instructions before assembly. That reminds me, are there any clear instructions for problems on this site. (redfaced) I haven't checked.
3 rim nicks away from Good
I’ve found @alaura22 to be helpful in many ways over the years! A real nice guy!
My collecting “Pride & Joy” is my PCGS Registry Dansco 7070 Set:
Congrats to you for getting into the registry. Always great to see your collection. Post a few links here so we can visit?
"Got a flaming heart, can't get my fill"