Tyreek Hill and the Peace Sign.

Why is the NFL worried about Tyreek Hill giving the Peace Sign when he scores a TD, to the point where a Referee warned him before last Sunday's game??
Why is the NFL worried about Tyreek Hill giving the Peace Sign when he scores a TD, to the point where a Referee warned him before last Sunday's game??
That's ridiculous, I didn't hear anything about it.
Would they prefer he give a middle finger???
I think some are considering it taunting. wasnt there an incident against the Patriots a few years ago. didnt he flash it to our secondary, then after a pick or a tackle or something, wasnt it Mccourty that came over and flashed it in tyreeks face?
at least something like that happened.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
I did a Google search and apparently it's as @craig44 stated, some kind of taunting. I've watched enough NFL football in my life to know with certainty that much worse is said play-after-play in every game. What do the Refs think players are jawing about, asking each other how the wife and kids are??
Allen got flagged for pointing and fined $10k. Was it a taunt? Both him and the defender were laughing because he got him on a fake pump. So I guess the peace sign is a taunt if a finger point is.
"I spent 50% of my money on alcohol, women, and gambling. The other half I wasted.
Ridiculous, maybe they should start instructing the players to show no emotion and keep their arms down at all times.
They don't call it the No Fun League for nothing. 😆
Forget it, it's Thanksgiving.
That call and subsequent fine on Allen was totally ridiculous!
Didn't OBJ get fined for the same thing vs the Browns when he scored on a pass to him?
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
Oh yeah - I guess he did - I just looked it up............Now the question is WHY?
"BALTIMORE -- Baltimore Ravens wide receiver Odell Beckham Jr. was reportedly fined $10,927 for unsportsmanlike conduct after flashing the peace sign as he made a touchdown in last week's game against the Cleveland Browns."
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"