1866 3 cent piece with crack

in Q & A Forum
I have an 1866
3 cent piece that seems to have a "crack" running along the bottom and left side on the reverse side. Any thoughts on that? Thanks again, Kenney.
Two minor cracks. Don’t know if they are big enough to add any value but maybe
someone who collects these might give a bit of a premium.
Thanks again for your input. I just took up collecting a few months ago and this was my first buy. I think I'll hang on to it and hopefully build a collection around it.
To clarify, its a "die crack".
There are also cracked planchets...
Extremely common on the early copper nickel coins. The material was harder than copper or silver, so the dies failed much quicker.
More rare to find one without cracks 😂
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
Could be the beginning of a retained cud if the cracks continued/connected in later die use.
Definitely genuine die crack errors.
In this case they add a small premium to the value of the coin.