Happy Thanksgiving To All

in Sports Talk
Title says it all. Wanted to get this out there before got too busy.
Successful transactions:Tookybandit. "Everyone is equal, some are more equal than others".
my 1st grade artwork...I call my masterpiece: "The guy with the Ax"

Funny. I remember that school artwork.
Happy Thanksgiving to all.
🍗 🥧 🏈 🍻 🇺🇸
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! 🦃
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Enjoy family, food, football, and all things in life you are grateful for.
I wanted to say happy Thanksgiving to everyone now just in case it gets too busy tomorrow.
as for today, I have the day off from work so I am on Thanksgiving prep duty. I will be preparing the mashed potatoes, turnips, squash etc.
time to put on my Swedish chef hat. off I go!!!
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
I eat a most healthy diet. But I always go off it on Thanksgiving day.
A few tips if I may, as I have read quite a number of books and articles on nutrition. Before sitting down to gorge yourself, drink a tall glass of bottled water. This will immensely help with the digestion. Drink some bottled water after the meal as well.
Don't pig-out again the next day. In fact, try to fast a bit during the day, just perhaps a few very light snacks such as some unsalted raw walnuts or whatever, to allow your body to properly absorb all the food you had consumed the day before.
Happy Thanksgiving peeps. on my list of things to be thankful for, this place resides somewhere. some days higher than others lol. but it's there. it has always been the perfect diversion, and each of you are integral.
Thanksgiving day itself has always been the most unorthodox one of my year. every Thanksgiving morning i get up early and kill it at the gym in an attempt to eradicate the majority of cals that are going down soon thereafter. and they are bountiful, let me tell you. it's the one day i throw caution to the wind. here is footage of me going for a stroll after the final T-day football game last year.
i'm going to heed stevek's advice and pound water before and after all 17 ingesting expositions tomorrow. when all of the tryptophan is fully absorbed and i'm brought back to life i'll let you know how it went.
catch you guys on the flip side ✌️
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
Happy Thanksgiving to all.
I eat very light the M/T/W prior to Thanksgiving. Get my bike riding/walks in prior and after the big day.
Happy Thanksgiving...eat more ham.

In the old days my final stroll for the day would of been to the local "bookie", to see if there were any games left somewhere on Earth. To try and get even.😀
Chicken racing from Hong Kong. 😆
I understand there is camel racing in the middle east.
Enjoy the day everyone!!
All right guys, I got all my veg prep done yesterday. The bird is in the oven. waiting on the fam to arrive. Then Football all afternoon.
lets goooooooooo!!!
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Gobble Gobble Gobble!
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Not fair, family hogging all the turkey. They feed me just enough to keep me alive!
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
anyone want to trade some Rack Packs for some Alka-Seltzer ???
I need to burp bad…