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Been a long time since I have posted- there is a quarter I like on eBay, need some advice

Item number 276165000219
I love standing liberty quarters, I have a beautiful set that I put together years ago. My criteria was not necessarily full shield, but for readable dates. I sold my 1923S and have regretted it since. I see one for sale now, I know what you are all thinking, why would he post an auction that he wants to bid on? The coin looks genuine but my question to you all is, it looks like some of the letters are doubled, which I’ve never seen before. Two questions, do you guys see the doubling as well on the obverse, and I guess my second question is, if it’s really a good coin, I just prevented myself from getting it by posting it on the site. But that’s OK. It’s all good, coins have been such a wonderful hobby for me.


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