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since you never responded (maybe cuz you realized i was correct?) to me yesterday when i said WHY you have so many members all of a sudden...
tell me how correct i am

your site is liek a new version of MES, and most of the memebrs there are from MES itself... just re-registering there..

also, the whole "card store" idea.. i bet it will take like 10,000 points to get a box (or pack?). and what, each post = 2 points? :-d lol

Ebay ID: mysteryman152

"Kid, get off me! Go back to school"

eat this, nikobe


  • Um, hate to break it to you, I responded.

    The reply that was somehow missed...

    I am not surprised though of your posturing and negativity. You are one of the CE moderators. Biased opinion and all. I do have to thank you for all the free publicity you bring us. We had 32 entirely new members today. Not only that but these members appreciate my effort. They also make note of CE and their relentless bashing of others sites, including mine. If you think that by tearing others down it somehow makes CE better you are mistaken. These new members take up our banner willingly and promote our site.

    I have bested every attack from the CE. I never attacked you personally nor tried to tear you down. I have had to defend myself from your false statements and personal attacks. When I have been wrong, I have corrected myself. There is nothing dishonorable about apologizing or acknowledging when one is wrong. However, the CE gang tries to make it into a bad thing.

    The word is out on the CE GANG BANG tactics...
    http://sportscardsheriff.com has over 8900 members and over 35,000 documented trades. Check it out if you have not already.
  • By the way focus, how much do you think a pack (or box) would cost in the store? PLMK.
    LOOKING FOR.........
    Shaquille O'Neal
    Indianapolis Colts
    Jeff Gordon

    AIM: mbd183424

  • The word is out on CE gang bang tactics??? ilya, AI, memphis, how could you guys not let me know, I could use a piece!

    By the way akafocus, you can make all the claims you want about the Sheriff's little sidekicks taking up for the site, but the only one I've seen is pckeeper...and he's made a REAL good impression here so far LMAO
  • A box of what? If you want a cardboard box I could send you one for free if you need it. I have addressed the store at SCS if you want to learn more.

    bash, bash, bash... All you do uwftke26 is make CE and its staff look bad.
    http://sportscardsheriff.com has over 8900 members and over 35,000 documented trades. Check it out if you have not already.
  • This is so funny !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep it up I need a good laugh today !!!!!!!!!!!

    CU Daycare at it's best !!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Ref's many

    Looking for Marino, Ripken Auto's,Gu & Rc's

  • focus,

    you know what box he's talking about!! that store you guys are supposed to have? i read a bit about it on your board, but didn't find much info image. and yes, i actually registered there, cuz i dont liket o just bash sites... besides, i need to sell my AI collection, so i'm posting on all boards. lol

    and, well, new members? that's great, gotta be happy for you i guess? but CE had a share of its own members as well image. lets not go into #s cuz it was 'a little' more than yours :-d.

    but anyways, i'm done bashing (for a while) since i have to go to work. (sucks doesn't it?).

    i'm out
    I NEED 01-02 RCs of ZACH RANDOLPH!!

    Ebay ID: mysteryman152

    "Kid, get off me! Go back to school"

    eat this, nikobe
  • Glad you joined and hope you sell or trade your AI's. I am sure you will. The store will be completed in the next few weeks. It will be integrated with the forums. It is purely meant to add a fun element to the site. We are not selling anything through it. Just redeeming points of members that earn them by posting and replying and winning contests.

    http://sportscardsheriff.com has over 8900 members and over 35,000 documented trades. Check it out if you have not already.
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