1979-P SBA Dollar Counter Stamp

Pulled this from a roll the other day. Don't know if Lauren was born, died or got married on this date.
The thing that struck me was the quality of the strike and stamp! These things usually have damage on the reverse of the coin from the force of the strike. I don't see any here.
Disclaimer: I'm not a dealer, trader, grader, investor or professional numismatist. I'm just a hobbyist. (To protect me but mostly you! 🤣 )
Title says "Sac Dollar". You mean SBA dollar.
It was engraved, not counterstamped. That's why there is no damage on the reverse.
Agree. Engraved.
I told you I was dyslexic. You didn't believe me. 😂 👍🏻 Thanks!
Oh, engraved!! I didn't even think of that. Yes, that's why the rev is problem free. Thanks for that!
Disclaimer: I'm not a dealer, trader, grader, investor or professional numismatist. I'm just a hobbyist. (To protect me but mostly you! 🤣 )