What baseball player was the Louisville Slugger bat named for?

in Sports Talk
Do you know this without looking it up?
This was the first player who started ordering custom made bats from hillerich and bradsby.
He believed every bat only had so many hits in it so he would periodically retire a bat when he thought it was out of hits. As a result it was said he accumulated 250-300 bats which he kept in his house. It was also said he refused to slide when on the base paths. Although a great hitter, this players defense was rumored to be so bad that one manager supposedly said of him, it would be better to have a wooden statue playing rightfield, because every once in a while a ball would richochet off the statue and roll back in the general direction of the infield.
Who was this player?
Reggie Jackson?
Awesome question...
Gehrig maybe ??? and thinking now maybe Frankie Frisch ???
It was way before Reggie
Nice guesses, it was even before these guys playing days.
A real old timer.
Abner Doubleday or Alexander Cartwright ???
those would be my final answers...
No and No. Good guesses though.
He was really famous during his time and one of the top hitters. I know there are many on this forum who have heard of him but he played from 1882-1894 so he’s just not as well known as those who came later like Honus Wagner, Cobb, Ruth etc.
Interesting trivia question. Couldn't even venture a guess as to his name.
I can perhaps see his reasoning in changing bats. Bats are made from wood, and wood degrades with use. So perhaps he thought that a ball hit with a much used bat, might lose some of its velocity, On a professional level, a little more ball speed coming off the bat, could mean the difference between a hit or the ball getting caught. I'm not saying I agree with it, but what he may have been thinking. Unless it was just a superstition of sorts, but stories such as this do tend to get embellished over time.
Not a clue but agreed it's a very good question
was it pete browning?
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
That's a tough one. Have no idea.
Shoeless Joe Jackson?
Correct Craig! 🥳👍
"accumulated 250-300 bats which he kept in his house"
I hope Browning's descendants didn't throw away or give away those bats shortly after his death, figuring they were worthless. Those bats would of course be worth some significant coin today.
I wasnt 100% sure, but there was a iittle kernel way way in the back of my mind. I must have read it somewhere long ago.
I just wish I could remember important stuff. Like what my wife asked me to pick up in town...
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
If I don't forget, I often get the wrong thing. All of these years, it's still happening.
Sometimes I am standing at the store, and I am unsure, and I am calling my wife, my kids, no one is answering.
Or maybe the store is out of something. And I know they won't believe me, so I have to take pictures.
There are so many extrapolations to this scenario. 🥵🤯
Fortunately I still have all of my cognizant abilities.
For example, spot me the S and the T, and most of the time I can spell my name correctly.
yeah, I have to have a list. for pretty much everything. or all the information gets lost in my head. Filed somewhere behind Ty Cobbs lifetime batting average and the number of home runs Jose Canseco hit in 1991.
It is so strange that I can remember silly sports stuff, but cannot remember to pick up the turnip at the store...
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.