1935-D Fr 1613N G-G Block Only from 18 subject sheets?

The PMG Registry shows the GG block in two occurrences of the $1 Silver Certificate set
1935D $1 Blue ADD BP#! Clark Snyder GG 1613N
1935D $1 Silver Certificate '18 Subject Sheets' Fr. 1613sub18 (GG Block) 1935D $1 Blue Clark Snyder GG 1613sub18
My understanding is that there were no Narrow 12 subject sheet notes and they were all from 18 subject sheets
Has anyone seen any different details on the GG block printing for 1935-D Naroow variety?
Hello synchr,
The only reference I can find, is in the "Whitman "Encyclopedia of U. S. Paper Money", page, 146 the last 1935-D. Blue Seal Wide Back, Clark -Snynder, last paragraph.
I must admit it is nice to be back on the internet after my old computer dropped out and I had to get help from someone far away. hope this might help,
The Standard Guide to Small-Size U.S. Paper Money references 1935D $1 SC sheets but doesn’t mention if they’re wide or narrow.
This one is a 1935-D G-G sheet of 18 (narrow):
Well, it’s definitely within the serial number range. I tell ya, that’s one beautiful, clean sheet. Very impressive seeing an 18-subject sheet of $1 SCs. They look like they were printed yesterday.
Here’s a screenshot of the sheet as a shortcut for the above link.
I knew about that one because I bought it in the auction
In addition to your reasons, I also like it for the low serial number of the upper left note ( G 00000048 G ).
I actually think the PMG registry is wrong and that there was only GG from 18 subject sheets