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A friend at work asked me to search the collection she inherited from her Aunt...I enjoyed this!

KurisuKurisu Posts: 2,020 ✭✭✭✭✭

My friend is about 60, the Aunt was in her 80s...
What I really love about this is how it reminds me of my experience as a YN and my whole learning curve as a collector.
The landscape is so massive, so much learning to do. I love it, I genuinely love it, for decades now.

I've done this a few times for friends and acquaintances, looking through a new found collection for them. They all know I've been collecting for some time. I love this, the trust, the honor, the history, the sentimentalness of it all...

Usually the collections are mostly junk and novelties...while this one is not that special in the scheme of serious collectors...she had some real stuff in there :smiley: and it was an absolute pleasure. I put some in holders for her and labled them. I checked everything for varieties and errors.

Tomorrow at work I'll get to tell her that she's got a few hundred dollars of wonderful things in there.

If anyone notices something special please let me know, the images are pretty big. Please and thank you!

I managed to find the Masonic Penny design referenced in a few places but not this one for Ohio...

Coins are Neato!

"If it's a penny for your thoughts and you put in your two cents worth, then someone...somewhere...is making a penny." - Steven Wright


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