Hi, Can anyone here ID these three foreign coins for me? Thanks In advance!!

Hello, I have run out of resourses. Can anyone please ID these coins and value? I also need to know the value of these. Thanks!!
1. Coin dated 1562:
2. Coin dated 1651 (I think?? the five may be a different digit):
3. Coin dated 1621: (The last digit may appear to be a 7, but it is a 1)
Thanks in advance!

Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius, "Meditations"
Apparently I have been awarded one DPOTD.
Number 1 is a 1621 Hamburg 16 Schilling, KM#164
My World Coin Type Set
Thanks guys!
I did not know that NGC had a world coin price guide!
This will be a great world coin look-up site for me in the future!!
Thanks again, Bob.
Here is the rijksdaalder at numista:
And the 1/2 thaler:
Disagree with the Hamburg 1/2 Thaler / 16 Schilling. The link you have provided is for KM#120, with the date divided between the towers. The coin is KM#164, with the date in the legend ...
My World Coin Type Set
Ah yes, thank you for correcting me Paul.
They had an agreement with Krause, to import Krause's world coin price database. So the prices there are essentially whatever the Krause catalogue said, up until KP went bust and they stopped releasing updates. Some prices for sold NGC-slabbed examples are also included, which can add to the confusion. And of course, world coin prices have gone up and down like crazy since COVID. Everybody used the NGC database, rather than Krause's own NumisMaster database, because NumisMaster was harder to use.
It's great for looking stuff up with, but treat the listed prices with skepticism.
Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius, "Meditations"
Apparently I have been awarded one DPOTD.