Sunnyvale, CA Coin Show, Nov 10th & 11th
Will be there bright and early on Friday, may return on Saturday if something pulls me back. Usually a good show and ~30-40 venders...
Will be there bright and early on Friday, may return on Saturday if something pulls me back. Usually a good show and ~30-40 venders...
I'll probably be there 10AM on Friday. I'll be the guy in the Hawaiian shirt, LOL.
Looks like had some nice door prizes. Was there an admission fee?
Here you go...
I'll probably be wearing my blue Chicago Cubs jersey... See you there...
Very reasonable especially with the prize offerings.
After watching NY Prepper on utube last nite - I wb going load up on ASE, AGB, AGE.
Last nite his show featured the firepower of the USS Ohio, a boomer class nuc sub that has entered the med (it can take out Iran) plus all the Russian Cargo planes flying into Kalingrad. It borders Poland and the Baltics / get the picture?
So as far as numismatic coins especially the ones I see that are so absurdly grossly over priced / I don’t think so.
Went both days. Friday was crowds, Saturday morning was light. Typical good show.