Looking for an English translation of La casa de moneda en México bajo la administración borbónica

I have exhausted every technological trick I can think of. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
I have exhausted every technological trick I can think of. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
It seems the cheapest way, short of learning Spanish, is to pay the $5 and get the one month trial of the premium membership.
You may be right although i have seen issues with results where English translation is written on top of the original Spanish. The result is an illegible mess especially for copyrighted material.
"The mint in Mexico under the Bourbon administration"
Wisdom has been chasing you but, you've always been faster
How is the rest of the book coming along? When will you be finished?
The Bourbon reforms began in the reigns of Philip V (1700–1724, 1724–1746) and Ferdinand VI (1746–1759), but the colonial reorganization reached its fullest expression through the ambitious measures advanced under Charles III (1759–1788) and sustained by Charles IV (1788–1808).
Wisdom has been chasing you but, you've always been faster
As mentioned before, need to learn Spanish at least a little bit or the more you can.
You can try to open that PDF inside Chrome, then go to a page and select the lines you want to translate, right-click and from the options select Translate to English. A new dialog box will show up on the right, with the proposal translation, in there it might end up having still some words in Spanish that need to be translated too.
Now, on that dialog box with the transalation you cannot do a copy and then paste it, you will have to type all.
so, it is not a direct way, but at least there is some help.
Is there some specific information you’re looking for? I speak fluent Spanish, as do some others in here, I’m sure we’d be happy to find the info for you. If you’re just looking to read the whole thing…probably not. 😂
I'm BACK!!! Used to be Billet7 on the old forum.