Broncos troll Chiefs by blasting Taylor Swift hit throughout the stadium after major upset

in Sports Talk
Broncos troll Chiefs by blasting Taylor Swift hit throughout the stadium after major upset
In other news, Taylor's clothes and unmentionables were found thrown in the parking lot outside of Travis Kelce's apartment. 🤣🤣🤣
thats funny.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
I wonder if there are any NFL rules against doing something like this? You know, the No Fun League with their million rules about every little thing.
Just a hunch, that the Broncos owner was asked about this before the game, in private by his staff, to get his approval. And he basically said, Look we win the game, play the song, I'll pay the fine. 😆
Yesterday was a good day for my favorite NFL team.
Andy Reid was the Eagles head coach for 14 years - I know Andy Reid. He's old school, and I'm sure that he hates this chit.
Not that it's Andy's fault, of course not. It's not the Chiefs fault either. It's not even Kelce's or Taylor's fault. I mean this isn't the first time a sports star has had a romantic fling with a famous singer, actress, fellow sports star, entertainer, celebrity, etc, and it certainly won't be the last. Nothing at all wrong with any of that.
But this one has been taken to new heights, and it's nauseating to me and countless millions of others. Compliments of the lame stream media - that's whose fault it is.
Israeli war, no problem. Ukraine war, no big deal. WW3 on the horizon, who cares. But the Kelce-Taylor love affair, that's the headline story along with pics of every angle of them snuggling, gazing at each other, giggling vivaciously, etc. Yuck, who the yell needs that? 😉
I don't think I've ever heard any of her songs/music.
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
I hope nobody thinks less of me for typing this, but admittedly, I've tried to listen to a few of her songs on Youtube, and for the life of me, I don't understand the huge popularity. However I do realize that her songs are not about musical talent, but about the presentation, IE the show.
Good music transcends all eras and centuries. These are some classical songs from the Beethoven era, and even some rap songs, that are truly great musical compositions which I really enjoy. But garbage is garbage, and that's exactly what Taylor Swift is as far as music - garbage.
Funny how that crap can make billions but Marillion is a hardly known band that I followed since 85.
Just an example of what I like.....
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
I wasn't familiar with Marillion, but that's a pretty good song.
So many factors come into play with a hit song. For example, it's conceivable that the Beatles may have fizzled out early if not for the guidance of their absolute genius producer named George Martin. He is well known in music circles as the "fifth Beatle", and even the band members themselves fully agreed with that.
It's cool to sometimes "discover" a song on Youtube, and envision if the track had been produced in any number of different ways, perhaps even just a different tempo, the song may have possibly become a big hit.
Thanks for listening to it. I post alot of them on the coin forums music thread. This is one of their tunes that everybody I played it for really liked it. Don't worry, I know this is a sports tube so last one I send!
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
Her early country songs were the best ones. The newer pop songs every now and then theres a good one but obviously everyone has different music tastes.
Wisconsin 2-6 against the SEC since 2007
I agree with the premise, because as we know, there are 330 million, music experts in America. 😉
I'm not sure exactly what I listened to with Taylor, it was a few songs from her greatest hits list. Perhaps if I'm ever in the mood, I'll check out her early country songs.
Haha yea everyone is definitely a music expert. If you like country music I think you would like some of her early stuff. Country is my favorite genre but listen to a little bit of everything. I was a big fan of her early stuff, but dont really like her newer stuff overall, especially her newest album
Wisconsin 2-6 against the SEC since 2007
I am with you on this. I really, truly dont get it. I understand that some singers are popular because they are beautiful.
Some because they have amazing voices. Some have great dancing/stage presence.
To ME, Taylor is like a 6-7 on all counts. I really dont get the worldwide phenomena with her.
of course, take my opinion on this with only 1 grain of salt. I only listen to podcasts.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
Stay with me on this. I hate it when some sports fans, perhaps many sports fans, when discussing hall of fame candidates, make the case that a particular player should be in the hall of fame because he was the best at that position in his era. Therefore say a second baseman, was the best second baseman of his era, so he should be in the hall of fame, they proclaim.
Well I say bullfeathers to that criteria as an infallible guideline for entry into the hall of fame. I mean what if that particular second baseman of that era wasn't all that good, but simply better than the rest of a bad lot? I don't believe a player of that caliber should be in the hall of fame. All he happened to be was the tallest midget in the circus at that time.
The analogy to Taylor Swift in my opinion is the same. She isn't that good, but at this particular point in time, with so much terrible new music out there, that she is simply the best of a bad lot. Young people, especially pre-teen girls who seem to be her core fan base, gravitate to her perhaps because she is simply the best one out there today. Doesn't mean it's good music, just better than the rest. But of course the little pumpkins have to idolize something, as young people often do, and that's fine. However let's not pretend that it's high quality music.
I agree with ya, that her rating is in the 6 or 7 category on all counts. I'm sure she puts on a good show with the lighting, dancers, theatrics, etc, and that's fine. As far as a rating of her music standing alone, I'd have to give it under a 5, and some of her tracks a 1 meaning dreadful, at least on the songs that I have heard.
To summarize, whatever they enjoy is fine with me. And if that helps keep them off drugs, then i strongly applaud it. 😊
That is spit take funny. 🤣
I'm impressed. You have somehow pulled me into this thread.
Why are you conflating popular/successful with great in your baseball and music analogy? The best player if an era at his position is great. Taylor Swift can be as popular as she is but still be terrible.
I get it, and I agree. I will add that pre-teen girls are often not the most insightful of music critics. they probably think tay-tay is a 10 on all counts!
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
I could go into a longer post as to why the best position player of an era isn't necessarily a hall of famer. However I thought I already explained it, in a nutshell.
But since the HOF is already terribly watered down, go ahead and put Eddie Gaedel in there for all i care. Let me know ahead of time, so I can load up on his baseball cards, and possibly make a few bucks off it with the bump in value. 😉
Im not really arguing that point, I was actually mostly asking about your comparison to calling Taylor Swift best of an era, due to popularity. I was just pointing out that she can be this popular and still make terrible music, while great music is being made by more obscure artists.
No need to go further with this, please address all of your venomous outrage toward @doubledragon
My response was in regards to your baseball remark of "The best player if an era at his position is great" which can be incorrect.
"Taylor Swift can be as popular as she is but still be terrible" - I already basically stated that, so I clearly agree with you.
BTW - You sound like a WWE fan. Sorry to disappoint you, but I don't plan any steel cage matches with anyone on here. 😉
I don't think that the best at his position of an era is automatically a HOFer. I probably shouldn't have said great. "Pretty good" I'm comfortable with, and I don't put Taylor Swift in that company.
I was a fan of WWE, when it was WWF, but I lost track of all of that sometime in the 1980s. But I do know what a steel cage match is, and no, I dont want to see you go at it. I'm just looking for a good old fashioned WOW, aka war of words.
PS @stevek I just heard on local radio that this is the 125th meeting between your birds and the boys.
Oh I will promise some pretty good Eagles-Cowboys smack on Sunday. 😆
"Misplaced Childhood" and to a lesser extent "Clutching At Straws" were touchstones of my childhood. I'm a big fan of the Fish era. The Hogarth era is good/fine but just does not resonate with me in anywhere the same manner.
Never figured "Marillion" would come up in this forum but way COOL that it did
i've had multiple people tell me that i have the most eclectic taste in music of anyone they have ever known. for whatever reason, i've always been able to appreciate most genres. one time back in the nano days i let a buddy borrow mine and when he returned it he said, dude you had Mozart (classical), Digital Underground (alternative hip hop), Michelle Tumes (Christian), and Marilyn Manson (shock rock?) back-to-back-to-back-to-back.
with that said, i have yet to hear a TS song i could stomach.
one thing that needs to be realized, however, is that her popularity is not derived solely from her tracks. her persona, her presentation, her look, her's all integral to her success. someone in a power position initially saw something (or somethings) in her and was able to extrapolate to a tee. think about all the times you heard a local band just killing it. it's human nature to wonder what prevented them from making it big with the sounds that they emit. the true answer is that they probably just never had an in. often times it's as simple as that.
i went to school with a lot of dumbasses. many of them are rocking and rolling in life not because of what they gleaned during college, but instead because someone in authority gave them a shot. in other words, it ultimately wasn't what they knew, it was WHO they knew. i can guarantee you that holds true in the world of pop music as well.
take Britney Spears, for example. go listen to one of her songs again and ask yourself how she got to where she is. she has a nasal, baby-like style mezzo-soprano voice that is on the verge of getting drowned out by other sounds in almost every song she has ever created. and many of them are heavily laden with auto-tune. she was, is and never will be known for her singing. yet at one time she was Taylor Swift before Taylor Swift became Taylor Swift.
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
It's every generation throws a hero up the pop charts
MTV in the early 1980's changed everything. Not that it wasn't about the music then, but it also became about the video as well, and to a large extent, it's still that way and more.
Music concerts along the way changed as well. The original concerts I saw live, had the boys up there with their instruments, turn-up the amps, and rip away with their hit songs and coming attractions, and it was great. That was the set.
With a number of the popular tours of today, they can have hundreds of employees traveling with them, and the sets are millions of dollars to create and produce. Frankly, I never once went to a music concert to see a side show say of a large cannon being fired or whatever. I came for the music. But I realize of course they have to appeal to a wider audience who seem to love all the extra production chit.
Look at the Super Bowl halftime shows. The ones I always enjoy the most are the ones with simple sets, focused on the music from those who can play. The ones which are basically lavish theater productions, sometimes with the featured singer best known for taking her clothes off, I'll do something else during halftime and just wait for the 3rd quarter to begin.
Hello, @Groo
Welcome to Sports Talk
This thread is getting better
I just read where Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce, after the football season is over, are going on a 50 state, singing duet tour. With the Chiefs offense performing backing vocals, and Andy Reid hammering out a few drum solos.
I'm not sure if that's true, or just an unsubstantiated rumor?
i can corroborate this. it is very much true, and it's gonna be huge. one indispensable ancillary performer you failed to mention, however, is our own darin. he is providing the on-stage choreography. and speaking of ins, i must have one because i possess very special footage of him practicing in his front yard
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
My taste in music runs across a wide spectrum.
Jazz, R&B, Funk, Soul, Blues, Bluegrass, some country (not the twangy country from the 1950's on back), classic rock, head banging music sung by screaming white guys, some popular AM and FM radio Top 40 songs from the 1970's forward; church choir songs, Mormon Tabernacle Choir songs, some Christmas holiday music, some Boy Band music (i.e. InSnyc and the Backstreet Boys), some Girl Band music (i.e. the Bangles), WWII Big Band music (i.e. Glenn Miller), Classical Music, some Rap Music, some solo instrumental music only (i.e. saxaphone or piano), orchestral music, Native American music; Indian Music, Hispanic/Lain American music, Asian music, European Music, African Music, Music from Jamaica, Gregorean Chanting, etc.
It is all good (mostly) but many artists through the years have appeared and been touted as really good. I listen to them and go meh!!!
Well welcome, I have alot of their tunes posted over in the US Coin Forum's "The Forum needs a little music/noise
" thread. I think Clutching at Straws was one of their best albums followed by Misplaced then Fugazi was just, After all this time I still don't think I have a word to describe it! 
I enjoy Hogarth except when he get's into them real slow opera tunes.
Notice my Avatar from the "Season's End" album?.
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
I must admit it's getting better, a little better all the time.
Thank you Paul. and I don't mean Perkdog. 😉
I know people like to rip on her and just dismiss it as preteens but the thing is Taylors audience is mostly in their 20s and 30s. It is annoying seeing her on camera every second but its been smart for the NFL to do so. She is bigger than the NFL and one of the most famous people on earth. Her current tour is making over 4 billion dollars, yes billions with a b. Its even had an impact on the economy.. I dont like her newest stuff either, and this Kelce thing has a greater than 0 chance that its all a highly calculated move like she always does, but in all honesty Id rather see her getting shown than Jackson Mahomes who is so brutally cringe worthy
Wisconsin 2-6 against the SEC since 2007
Ok, this is as good of a take on TS and her popularity as I have heard. I still dont quite understand fully why so many people go goo goo for her, but I think i am pointed in the right direction.
Britney is a perfect example. by no means a great singer, but she was packaged and advertised everywhere by her handlers and got huge. i would say just as big as tay tay. i would imagine if she had not had a mental breakdown, her reign as pop princess would have continued a little longer.
I think you could also parallel the boy bands of the 90s to swift as well. very packaged and choreographed for success.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Speaking of best of an era/shortstops it's been written that Mark Belanger should be considered for the HOF. He was a weak hitter though.
I cannot comment on TS music as I can honestly say I have never heard a song by her. Not planning on it either. She must have some talent, but to me she is just a manufactured entity.
You will have to pay royalties to Sir Paul for this.
I like your point about being given a shot/who one knows. This figures in the movie industry as well. Example:Michael Douglas and Joe What's his name, being of equal talent,are up for a movie role. Who gets the part?