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Cincinnati show report

Been over a year since I hit the local VFW style show so I needed a fix before year end. I went with a pretty diverse middle of the road shopping list to just get a feel.

Unfortunately I got there late around 1 which afforded me about 45 min before everyone started packing up. By 2 it was nearly empty.

I normally try to go around 10-11, so maybe it was a time difference but it seemed DEAD. More than one dealer said it was unusually quiet. In general there were also a lot more empty tables than Ive seen in the past.

Following the hobby nearly only online the last couple years has definitely jaded me to quality. I FORGOT how much UGLY and BAD material there can be at these small shows that just sits and sits like a coin orphanage.

Overall it was a nice mix of certified and raw, all series represented, although again, availability seemed weaker than in the past (although I'm pretty much to the point in all series of needing the uncommonly 'rare' pre-rarities of several big sets which dont pop nearly as often.).

Ended up getting a nice 31s Lincoln filler and checked a few other coins off the list.

All the SAEs I saw were $32-35 or higher for better dates. That seems high considering spot at $24? Saw a dash of gold and dash of junk silver but overall VERY light on bullion. Any new bullion seemed to be in the form of "MAGA" or Trump themed pieces...I guess catering to buying audience? Cant imagine "President Biden #1" bullion would do well with the stacker crowd.

The next two shows are right around the holidays, so I figured this might be a strong one before the year end. Maybe a few dealers ventured down to try Nashville instead?


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