Ok @4for4, I've had enough of this

in Sports Talk
If you're reading this message @4for4, I'm leaving this forum and not coming back until you come back. We all get into fights every now and then, but it always blows over and we get over it and things get back to normal. I'm leaving this forum and not coming back until you do, think I'm kidding? Just watch me.
But DD he legitimately might not be seeing your message, especially if he was an alt and created the account with a throw away email.
Just like you he is his own person and makes his or her own decisions, we can't base our decisions on other people's own free will.
Just think over what I'm telling you buddy
Plus you can't leave until you get that lol record remember?
DD, if being here is too much pressure on you, go ahead and take a break, but just know that you can play a background role here and that's fine too. No pressure.
However, if you do want to take a hiatus, please do not tie it into 4for4. There is no need for that.
i'm not gonna lie -- i'm a little confused by all this. i can't decipher how much levity and how much gravity is involved. i'm gonna go ahead and approach this as a completely serious matter. double d, your record on here is unassailable. if you were to retire today, you'd be the sports forum goat. no one will ever be able to steal your thunder, regardless of what they do or how hard they try.
that said, if the pressure to "perform" is becoming too intense, scale back a smidge. last thing you want is for this to become a part-time job devoid of pleasure. that totally defeats the purpose of your true existence on here. but in the same breath, if someone comes along and invigorates this place as well, view it as a positive thing. eotd, we all strive for this place to be poppin'. not to mention, it lifts the anvil that's been resting squarely on your shoulders.
i hope 4for4 comes back as well. the more the merrier. but once again i've gotta be honest -- the vast majority of his contributions were a bit of a ruse. i'd see the topic being discussed, then i'd look off in the distance and could clearly see where it was headed. and often times the endgame was Terry Bradshaw being anointed the czar of the universe.
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
hey 2Dble D…
for sure I agree with @thisistheshow take a break from forum for few days or so…I had to take a mini break a few weeks ago…the stress and aggravation is not really worth it…
Thank you for the kind words everyone, but I had a dream last night that we were all stuck on Gilligan's Island and we were bored to tears, with no sports topics to talk about, and @Hydrant was even there, and the situation was hopeless until @4for4 miraculously showed up in the SS Minnow and saved us all. I take this as a good sign, don't give up, there's still hope.
we could talk to the Professor about building an operating system using the left over radio from the boat and some coconuts, our WiFi antenna could be used from the palm trees, Mr. & Mrs. Howell could pay for the internet billing...
hey 2Dble D, how could you be bored with Mary Ann & Ginger there on the island....
then hydrant could start grilling up some snakes for an aphrodisiac...

I'm fairly certain that you can see Hydrant hanging out in the suite with Blueface in the video that's gone viral and has Kelly Stafford so upset.
Bored to tears with Ginger and Maryann on the island? Are you kidding me? No way I'd be bored.
I'd hope that I was never rescued. 😆
Dam I hate that when somebody beats me to the post. 😒 😉
I knew I was getting old when Mrs Howell started looking sexy. 😐
No, no, no, you don't understand, it was just us on the island, there was no Ginger, Mary ann, or Mrs. Howell, only the sports forum members. The dream is a bit fuzzy, but I do remember @Hydrant spent most of the time picking berries.
I'd be careful eating those berries; there could be some snake scales mixed into them....
it was just us on the island, there was no Ginger, Mary ann, or Mrs. Howell, only the sports forum members.
hey 2Dble D, now you have me thinking....
with only forum members stuck on this island; who gets to use the conch first ???

And I'm Not Eating Any Snakes....
Well guess I'll start my "garden" and get the still set up to make island life more tolerable
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
hey @Steven59 the seaweed & kelp from the island shores would be the perfect beneficial mulch for the island garden...
I just looked up this story, and I agree with her.
I also feel like the same could be said for many things that I see on television, including commercials, interviews, and anything during games that isn't the actual game action.
I am essentially disgusted by all pop culture and consider it evil.
PS @countdouglas I was texting with a cousin of mine. We mostly text about sports, but other topics as well. We had a little spat, and he said let's just get back to talking sports. So I sent him a screenshot of your Trout stat about HRs. He enjoyed it. Lol.
On second thought, maybe the ladies were on the island and I didn't see them because they were busy taking a mud bath. Here, you join the ladies, I'll keep an eye out for @4for4, he's going to rescue us, keep the faith man!
Nice & Dirty....
one would hope that we are saved by now…