GOAT for each MLB team?

in Sports Talk
Since @4for4 refuses to come back, I have to try to spark up a topic of interest, so I'll take a crack at it. The Yankees GOAT has to be Babe Ruth right? What about the other MLB teams? Discuss if you wish.
Red Sox = Ted Williams
Pirates = Roberto Clemente
Mays. Not Bonds.
lot's of Pirates to list here...let's not forget Mario Mendoza...
Hank Aaron Braves
Stan Musial Cardinals
Mike Schmidt Phillies
George Brett Royals
Toughest one will be the Dodgers
Now DD make sure you use some vacation and personal days as needed, we dont want you burning out ☝️
Mike Schmidt - Phillies
Also as we all know, Schmidt is the GOAT third baseman.
Yes, I'm officially out to pasture, just visiting you guys. 🖒
now you have gone and done it...
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
can we have both a goat position player and goat pitcher for each team?
I have teddy ballgame and the rocket for Boston
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Pedro is my guy over Clemens but agreed
What I'd do? Me no understand?
Phillies greatest pitcher - Steve Carlton
BTW - Carlton may be the GOAT season pitcher. In 1972, Steve had 27 wins for a Phillies team that only won a pathetic 59 games. I'd like to see any other pitcher in MLB history do that?
just wait
give this bad boy a little time to breathe and you'll see
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
Pirates - Honus Wagner
Giants - Barry Bonds
Orioles - Eddie Murray
Reds - Pete Rose
Terry Bradshaw was AMAZING!!
Ignore list -Basebal21
Marlins- Mr. Marlin Jeff Conine
Arizona- Paul Goldschmidt
Stargell was a better hitter than Clemente but I put Roberto ahead of him because of defense.
Honus Wagner absolutely dominated baseball during his playing days.
I agree with everything you said, but you left out Arky Vaughan who I'd put second on the Pirates. His career ended (effectively) early because of WWII, but he was at least as good a hitter as Clemente, and he played shortstop.
Some of these teams you really cant as they just havent had guys there long enough. Longoria for Tampa just feels wrong since they never really keep anyone. Arizona, Washington and Miami would be hards one too as some examples
Some that come to mind
Bonds for the Giants
Pujols for the Cards
Helton for the Rockies
Gwynn for the Padres
Griffey Jr Seattle
There are some teams like the Angels where the answer is still an active player
Wisconsin 2-6 against the SEC since 2007
Just checking in from the pasture, I'm very disappointed in the lack off success for this thread, if it were a @4for4 thread it would be 5 pages long by now. I just don't have the magic anymore, very disappointed, back to the pasture I go.
No, it's not the thread. I think there has been a lot less traffic on all our forums in the last week or so.
I love to read the posts much more then I do posting.
hey 2Dble D be careful out on the pasture so you don’t get butchered; my italian beef roast that I did was phenomenal as with the roasted peppers…Oh Yeah...
I could pick a fight with someone over their choice. I don't mind, and I'm good at it. Let me know.
I think I'm taking Grover Cleveland Alexander though Carlton has more years in Philly.
Detroit - Ty Cobb and....... George Mullin
Seattle - Jr Griffey and Felix Hernandez
I'm not sure exactly how many wins that Alexander had with the Phillies, but Carlton holds the record for that.
Alexander certainly wouldn't be a bad choice.
Begin offering gifts and prizes in your threads, and my number of posts in each one would double or triple at the least. I could really use a new toaster.
Senators/Twins - Walter Johnson
A's - Lefty Grove
Mets - Tom Seaver
I meant to tell you this in the OJ thread but I got sidetracked, I appreciate your kind words and enjoy your presence on the forum. I do the same thing sometimes, I enjoy reading the different posts and a lot of times you wouldn't even know I was here, it's very relaxing to me to sit back with a soda and a snack and just enjoy the material. 🖒
Recent pic of DD relaxing in his new role:
I love Pedro too, Rocket just did it longer. I would put our all-time top-of-rotation guys up against any franchise's.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Where do you rank Kiner? He played 7 full seasons for Pittsburg and led the league in HR every single season.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
He had to retire at 32 because of injuries like Mike Trout should do.
If he had played longer and maintained that great production then who knows maybe 2nd greatest pirate all time.
There is an unanswered question that makes choosing a GOAT difficult for some teams. Frank Robinson is the greatest player to ever play for the Orioles, but he only spent 6 seasons there. I don't consider him the GOAT Oriole, but someone else might. Does the team GOAT have to have played a large part of his career with that team, and then we consider his whole career, even the part spent on other teams? Or do we consider only what he did for that team, and ignore the rest of his career? Or something else?
For example, the Reds:
Joe Morgan - GOAT by definition 1
Johnny Bench - GOAT by definition 2
Orioles: Frank Robinson (GOAT 1) or Cal Ripken (GOAT 2)
A few years ago, there was a thread here for "Face of the Franchise" as opposed to GOAT per team. I'm having trouble getting the search function to display results that include that thread, but if someone can dig it out of the archives, it did have a lot of interesting discussion in it that might apply here too.
Possibly Cobb may be the Detroit GOAT, but I'd still vote 100% for Al Kaline for Face of the Franchise.
"Or do we consider only what he did for that team, and ignore the rest of his career?"
This is the correct answer.
Since DD is out to pasture, I am his corresponding secretary.
Definition 1 - Johnny Bench
Definition 2 - Johnny Bench
Definition 3-100 - Johnny Bench
Come on, DD. Stop being so self-deprecating. Man up! This thread is plenty busy, and you even have Dallas ready to fight someone.
No, it's just not going to work, the forum needs @4for4. Time to set a trap, and see if we can lure him back. What might we use as bait? 🤔 Ah yes.
Perk, looks like nobody has weighed in on the Dodgers yet.
I’ll go with Duke Snider but if Jackie Robinson had played a few more years I would probably go with him.
Unrelated to your post but since folks are split on Giants GOAT I’ll say
Human Goat- Willie Mays
Human- Sasquatch hybrid GOAT-
Barry Bonds
Dallas…. Just curious would you have Killebrew second for Senators/Twins?
Dodgers - Sandy Koufax
Brewers - Paul Molitor
Astros - Joe Morgan
Tigers - Ty Cobb
A's - Rickey Henderson
White Sox - Joe Jackson
Padres - Tony Gwynn
Cubs - Ernie Banks
Terry Bradshaw was AMAZING!!
Ignore list -Basebal21
Like it, I thought of Duke or Robinsin as well.
Campy put up.some heavy numbers before his accident but Duke definitely had longevity
I'd probably take Mays over Bonds without the steroids if it came down to it though
Definitely. And since we're not counting what players (Carew) did for other teams, he's second by a mile over 3rd.
I'd also pick Jackie Robinson over Duke Snider. Snider wasn't that much better a hitter than Robinson, and Robinson was a GREAT second baseman and baserunner. Robinson does have the shorter career, but regardless of any rule there is no way I'm penalizing him for not making the majors until he was 28
I wouldn’t argue about having Jackie at number 1. What I didn’t realize about him until looking at his stats was that his OBP was .410
I didn’t know it was that high. Amazing career for starting at 28 and enduring all the taunts, threats on his life etc.
Not even arguable. Al is Mr. Tiger. Cobb was better but Kaline is the face for sure.
I see a lot of obvious names as the GOAT of each franchise. What strikes me as amusing is the omission of an "obvious name" we all know and love.

If we were to create a Mount Rushmore of "Greatest MLB Players to Ever Wear an Angels Uniform", it would look like this:


If we are basing the selection solely on their accomplishments in an Angels uniform, then you might be able to contort your argument to get Trouty somewhere in the top 2 or 3. It is glaringly obvious that everyone is shying away from attaching their name to that position, as people realize more and more just what a fraud has been enacted on baseball fans everywhere - the lies they've been told - the lies they've believed.
Trouty is at his best when it matters least. He can only win when the stakes are low. Have him step over to high limit, where nothing about the game has changed but the color of the chips, and he shrinks in the moment.
Sometimes, you just have to know who you are. And that is one thing that I'll acknowledge. Trouty knows who he is. He gladly took Arte's money to play games in the West Coast time zone for a team no one cares about, accepting undeserved accolades and zero responsibility for the teams' shortcoming. He's gotten a free pass for a long time. We'll see what happens this off-season, if Trouty decides to step on over to high limit, or if he's content to continue playing $5 blackjack with Arte's money.

The Angels is Trout and its not even close. Its just weird naming an active player like I mentioned earlier that some of the GOATs are still active. Everyone is focusing more on retired guys and teams theyre fans of.
Wisconsin 2-6 against the SEC since 2007