98 Pinnacle select Ken Griffey Jr Jersey Number info

Hey everyone, I recently acquired a collection from a family member that owned their own card shop throughout the 90s.
There have been many cool finds but the one that has been trouble trying to land a value on. So I've been trying to get as much information from as many sources as I can.
Here is what is known so far:
This is from an unreleased set when Pinnacle declared bankruptcy and was ordered not to ship out. It seems there was some backdooring followed by a potential bankruptcy auction.
In current research, I've found an old from listing that shows a sale in 2012 for mid $300 and then an article post stating one sold in 2022 for $3.3k.
I appreciate anything anyone has to offer on this journey to pin down value and more information on this card.
Seems like PSA will grade it......
I have seen at least one of these for sale on the “Ken Griffey Jr Sports Card Universe” group on Facebook. I would post this there and ask the same question.
What I did read, possibly only 24 made, but more could have been backdoored during the bankruptcy. This one has no serial number, so possibly some sort of back door deal is my guess.
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