IN GOD WE TRUST, what is the earliest serial # 1935 $1.00 S/C Series G D-J BLK?

I have read the books about the beginning and all, with little gained from the ones I have sourced so I thought I would bring it up here.
I have read the books about the beginning and all, with little gained from the ones I have sourced so I thought I would bring it up here.
Yes, series 1935G, D-J block with a little over 31 million printed.
Hi Steve_in_Tampa,
Just wondering if you or anyone reading this has a clue of any specific study or research available to the public on the lowest S/N with the motto that has been certified? I am at the low 600K, but this does little to inform anyone especially when the books and such I have read to date say," the motto placement towards the end of the run they were running.
The vast majority of 1935G $1 Silver Certificates (no motto) for the D-J block are Fr.1616 notes which amounted to 148,960,000 notes. Serial numbers D00000001J through D48960000A.
1935G $1 Silver Certificate (with motto) D-J block are Fr.1617 notes which continue from serial number D48960001A through D80280001A and amount to 31,320,000 notes. I’m not aware of any study or research available concerning individual serial numbers.