Hey I lost the top of my 'I' can you help me find it?
Posts: 133 ✭✭✭
I've had more enjoyment from this low grade damaged? common variety than a lot of the higher graded pieces I've had. With all the die breaks,clashmarks, rim crumbling I just noticed that the top of I-2 on the reverse seems to be missing. Thoughts. Thanks Dave
Good luck. It's always going to be in the last place that you look.
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
Fun stuff! Just last year I got a bust quarter and it’s also 1818. 👍
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I love die cracked CBH... There are some pretty wild ones in the earlier years. The missing bar on the I is one I haven't seen before!
This 1814 has more cracks than the San Andreas fault, and the banner is struck through from the reverse as well.