Jimmy Garoppolo already getting Grey hair?

in Sports Talk
I just noticed this, but it appears that Jimmy G is already getting Grey hair, notice on the side, he's only 31 years old, is this common? Do you think stress is involved?
Yeah, wow, he was getting Grey hair when he was with the Niners.
At this pace, If he keeps this up, by the time he's 37 he's going to be Ken Stabler.
31 is young for Grey hair, Stabler at 35 looks like an old man but back then 35 was old
Stabler died from CTE also in his 60’s. Brutal 70’s football.
Surprised Bradshaw and Archie escaped it. They could run. Stabler couldn’t. Back then you didn’t turtle. It was against the code.
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Erba - coolstanley-dallasactuary-SDsportsfan
My mistake, Stabler was actually 37 when that photo was taken, edited for correction. Nevertheless, I'm just a bit surprised to see Jimmy getting Grey hair so early, he had it in San Francisco, he was 30, gotta be stress related.
Might be hereditary, I think guys hair situation goes by their grandfather on the mothers side or so ive heard.
My hair started thinning out in my mid 30's but no grey until early 40's
I sincerely doubt Jimmy G is stressed about anything to be honest
Grandfather on the mothers side, oh crap, then I should be going bald someday. I'm sorry I started this thread!
He just wanted it to blend in with his new uniform colors,silver and black .
nothing to fear double d
just a little creativity & ingenuity and you'll be as hot as ever
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
How can a billionaire have hair like that? It's grotesque, even more grotesque than bald Trevor Lawrence.
some people just grey early. My mother in law said she went grey in her very early 20's. was almost white by early 30's
genetics I guess
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
I wish I had some hair left to be gray. 👨🦲 😆
I have one hair left on top of my head, and I guard it with my life. I wouldn't let any barber even near it. 🤣
JJ was so impressed with Mark's look at the last owner's meeting that he tweaked his hairstyle after 105 years and now the chicks are flocking to him in droves
droves i said
never capitulate baby
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
I'm concerned about Jimmy G, he's aging to0 rapidly, don't be surprised if he looks like this by week 13.
Bald Trevor should be the next James Bond villain.
Yes, and he can sit in his evil chair and stroke his cat!
Jimmy G needs to get the Dom Capers hair plan, the man is 73 years old but has the hair of a 20 year old.
This thread quickly turned into this...
Jimmy G has a nice head of hair, but he needs to be careful, people with nice hair seem to be cursed. Just look at He-man for example, he had nice hair and we all know how that turned out.
November 5th, I want my cat Fluffy back. I'll have a courier waiting outside your door.
And a brand new beautiful avatar waiting for you here in this forum. 🦅
Ha! I think not, it is you who will be taken into custody on November 5th, and Fluffy shall remain with me! Now, if you'll excuse me, I must check in the mirror to see if any new Grey hairs are trespassing on my head, I'm starting to feel old, it's only a matter of time before I'm yelling at the local teenagers!
Jordan takes Grey hair personally!
I had a friend and I believe he had a gray hair in high school and his dad was very young and full head of gray hair.
Got my first gray hair when I was 20. It happens.
I just wish I had all my hair, grey or not.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
@doubledragon what gives you even an inkling of thought that stress is involved?
Its a safe bet to say that he probably has every hairdresser in Vegas lining up to give him a dye job. 😎
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Yea, I have hair growing everywhere, eyebrows, inner nose, chest, etc...everywhere except where I want it. 🤣