True or not true - A Pats fan was killed at the Dolphins-Pats game ?

in Sports Talk
Getting conflicting reports.
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Erba - coolstanley-dallasactuary-SDsportsfan
True. Guy from New Hampshire got punched and passed away.
I heard about this yesterday, sickening story, a Dolphins fan sucker punched a Patriots fan in the head and the Patriots fan died shortly after. The Patriots fan was a father of two named Dale Mooney, and it turns out that Mooney had once saved a little girl's life at a beach. The Dolphins fan should be charged with involuntary manslaughter imo. What the heck is wrong with people, are we this obsessed with sports that it comes to this? I can't count how many times I've seen videos of fights at games online over the past few years. Look at this, I think this was at a Dodgers game back in 2021, parents fighting at the game right in front of the child, who is sitting their scared to death and crying.
and this happened at the Cincinnati-Baltimore game
(scroll down to see the vid)
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
yes, it is true and sickening.
I dont think people fully understand how easy it could be to literally kill someone with one punch. all it would take is someone hitting the pavement wrong and developing a brain bleed and it is all over.
I would never fight with someone at this point in my life unless I was defending my life or a family member/friend from imminent harm.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
I look back at all the fights on pavement and in bars that I had back in the late 80's through the mid 90's and realize how stupid it was.
Tragic thing for the victim and the family, very sad
This thread brought out @maywood with an LOL, but I've been waiting for his Browns analysis...
The NFL has been very quick to blame the victim for the fight and even claim the fight didnt kill him.
The substantial truth doctrine is an important defense in defamation law that allows individuals to avoid liability if the gist of their statement was true.
Well then who do you believe?
“The Dolphins fan walks over and clearly punches him in the face,” Kilmartin said. “[He] gets knocked out and you can tell right away he’s not OK. EMTs arrived at the scene and performed CPR, however, Mooney never got back up."
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
I remember that, the victim was left with brain damage and is permanently disabled, the assailants got 4 and 8 years in prison for it, a cowardly attack.
I hope the pats fan's family get a large settlement from the stadium. I've had a few "Why arent they removing these jackass fans" situations while watching games in person. They give troublemakers a LOT of leyway before they bother to act.
The substantial truth doctrine is an important defense in defamation law that allows individuals to avoid liability if the gist of their statement was true.
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
The preliminary autopsy results said it was a medical issue not a traumatic injury that killed him. Theres obviously an ongoing investigation but it doesnt look like there was any kind of fatal blow
Wisconsin 2-6 against the SEC since 2007
all of this comes full circle back to the almighty dollar. incidents like this are almost always alcohol-induced. but everyone and their dog knows that booze will never be removed from professional sporting events. so whereas there's an element of care involved, it's only to an extent because the truth of the matter is that the vitality of the league takes precedence over lives. sad but true.
therefore, it's incumbent upon grown ass adults to have situational awareness when they go to a game. the outcome of the Pats-Dolphins meant less than nothing in the grand scheme because that man had one life and one life only. a failure to keep things in perspective can result in the most senseless of acts, which is exactly what that was.
but that's what happens when people drink to excess. for those who have never gotten drunk before, you basically morph into a completely different type of homo sapien. some peeps get very chill. some become boisterous. some are funny as hell to be around. and some straight up want to fight to the death for any implausible reason. it can easily create an (im)perfect storm, so eotd it's imperative to realize that under no circumstance is it ever worth it to engage someone who is under the influence. an unfortuitous punch, a knife, a's simply not worth it. because once it's over, it's over.
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
The autopsy says...
Regardless, any violence at any sports event should not go unpunished. The Dolphins guys should be banned for life from any sports venue in addition to any prosecution the DA seems fit to persue...PERIOD, CASE CLOSED.
Not every fight at a stadium is between two drunks. Fandom is what fuels it more than anything and drinks just exacerbate it. Most of the time the fights start because someone is chirping someone about their team losing.
Its a double edged sword. Fans hate other fans/franchises while players dont. Its part of what makes sports great with fans going crazy in support but it also leads to dumb things like fights and trying to hunt people down on the internet etc.
There will still be fights whether or not booze is served
Wisconsin 2-6 against the SEC since 2007
Next they are going to blame the fan being overweight or having a pre-existing condition. Anything to lessen their responsibility here. "It wasn't the fight that obviously killed him that killed him, he was just unhealthy nothing to see here."
The substantial truth doctrine is an important defense in defamation law that allows individuals to avoid liability if the gist of their statement was true.
It gets forgotten it was also gang members that did the attack. They should have gotten far longer sentences, but one did get extra federal chargers on unrelated things. Both were previously felons before the attack from reports
Wisconsin 2-6 against the SEC since 2007
i'd eagerly be willing to bet that 95% of the videos you see of scraps that escalate to a level of physical altercations and beyond are induced by alcohol. hence the reason i said almost always. i go to a lot of professional sporting events. adult beverage consumption is off the charts. more now than i ever recall, and i've been going to games all my life. i went to get a beer during the middle of a Rangers game a few weeks ago and i couldn't believe my eyes when i saw the length of the line.
this has very, very little to do with sober fans acting out of character due to excessive "fandom." it's minuscule. the overwhelming majority of adults know how to act. but when alcohol consumption commences, all bets are off. so if you want to argue on behalf of the 5% -- just for the sake of arguing which is what you're known for around here -- then as i said in the Mickelson thread (in which you once again had no idea what you were talking about)...........knock yourself out.
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
i read an article about the aforementioned head-butt dude at the Bengals game (who is being charged), and i failed to find the part that said his actions were fueled more than anything by his Cincy fandom (lol). here's the very first sentence:
"A Covington man, caught in a viral video delivering a headbutt to a Cincinnati Bengals fan at PayCor Stadium on Sunday, was acting erratic and intoxicated before the game even started, according to a witness."
and speaking of Bengals' fans and intoxication, we have this:
and then we have this:
bro just stop while you are way behind...............for once.
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
I was here at this one, and it was definitely adult beverage fueled,
It doesn't show in the stands, but there were literally dozens of fights simultaneously going on and not enough police and security to handle it.
There's a video from this weekend of a family of Vikings fans walking into the Eagles game. They get a barrage odd abuse from dozens of people. It's all just gross.
You taking a shot at me for no reason really just proves the point unless you have been drinking a lot? If someone has an issue with people pointing something out thats a them problem.
The percentage of drunk people that get into fights just to fight is minuscule. Most of the fights are people that have had some drinks and are just talking trash to each other. The underlying issue is what caused it. If two super drunk Red Sox fans start trash talking the Yankees they will probably be friends, if ones a Yankees fan and ones a Red Sox etc.
Does drinking make a fight more likely in some cases sure, but you have to have a reason to get mad about something even if you are drunk.
Wisconsin 2-6 against the SEC since 2007
Inebriation exacerbates everything. Emotions. Ability to discern what is important. Self-governance.
Alcohol fuels most public violence. Alcohol and other substances.
I don't know if alcohol was involved in this situation or not, but I wouldn't doubt it. The internet is littered with articles about drunk fans causing violence, I've seen alcohol fueled violence up close and personal, two guys getting along great and they get a six pack in them and things change very quickly over the smallest bunch of nonsense.
The fact they haven't charged or identified the assailants is probably because they are piecing this all together but I have a funny feeling the guy/s that were involved are stressed out pretty hard.
Again tragic incident
BTW @Maywood why laugh at my post? I'm really curious what was funny about it or are you just still a clown like your other handle?
It is just silly to think that inebriation is not the fuel that causes the vast majority of these public scrums at stadiums.
to a second point, I have never understood the draw of drinking at an event like this. You pay a lot of money to get to the event, parking, etc. I want to fully remember my experience and not have it clouded by alcohol consumption. I have been in the bleachers at Fenway too many times to count and there are ALWAYS a bunch of drunks there. no way they will remember what they saw the next day. I mean, really, if you want to get sloshed, just stay home and watch the game on the tube. the alcohol will be a lot cheaper there too and you will achieve the same effect.
to each his own I guess.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
It's the same thing when it comes to going to concerts, in my youth I went to a bunch of great shows, Rolling Stones, Gubs n Rose's, AC/DC ect.. ect.. ect.. and I can sincerely say I really don't remember much of them at all
Drinking is the root of most of the problems at these type of events without question but the bigger problem is people not knowing how to adult.
Being a corrections officer for so long I've come to the realization that in a lot of cases not involving your basic criminal behavior the difference between being an inmate and not being an inmate is learning how to act like an adult and walking away from trouble making loudmouths.