The 49ers helmet design of 1991

in Sports Talk
Quick fun fact, in 1991 the 49ers almost changed their helmet design to this.
Yes, as much as I would love to stay and discuss this butt-ugly helmet with you all, I'm afraid I must go, door dash is scheduled to deliver my Chinese food in ten minutes, Chicken fried rice, my favorite!
Ugly, no need to fix something that isn't broke
And dont forget to munch on a nice piece of fruit flavor nicotine gum after!!!
I heard if you don’t tip them well they might eat your food. 😗
oh boy, I am glad cooler heads prevailed. I would hate to have seen that abomination perched ontop of jerry rice's head
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Looks almost like old school USFL...

The logo on that helmet looks cartoonish.
Chewing right now! 🖒
My wife makes me tip them $10, if it were up to me they would only get $5!
I was thinking along the same lines, like something from Sesame Street.
$5 is a week's pay in China.
What can I say Steve, I'm cheap, I'm so cheap that I only own one light bulb, which I take with me from room to room to save on the power bill.