So what exactly is Miggy doing?

Has any superstar declined as badly as him? Some numbers since 2017, when he was 34.
Games- 691
BA- .262
HR- 64
RBI- 325
OBP- .329
Slug. .380
OPS- .709
OPS+- 94
Since 2017 his BA has gone from .326 to .307, OBP .405 to .382, Slug % .571 to .519, OPS .975 to .901 an incredible 74 POINT DROP, and OPS+ 159 to 140.
I used to say here that he couldn’t keep up his production because he was so overweight but was half joking because he is in the royals division.
So he’s sucked for 7 years, why is he still getting paid to play baseball? Ill advised long term contract?
What I can’t understand is he has been a superstar and he has watched himself go from that to being worse than an average player. Seems like his sense of when to hang it up is non existent.
Yes. See Albert Pujols' Angels years from 2012 to 2021; especially 2017 to 2021.
Combo of things. First of all, yeah, terrible long-term contract. Second, he was hurt a lot over the first few years of the contract. Third, he was hurt a lot because he was, and is, wildly out of shape. He's at least 40 lbs overweight and has been for a LOOOONG time. Fourth, for whatever reason, he has lost all bat speed. He basically never pulls the ball, at least with any power.
To sum up: signed big contract and stopped putting forth any effort.
Thanks Tabe.
So I am guessing of all the superstar players he has had the biggest drop off after hitting age 34 or 35.
Great from early twenties to age 33,
.571 slugging and .975 ops.
To a replica of Buddy Biancalana from age 34 onward, .380 slugging and .709 ops.
There have been players who seem to just lose the ability to play at somewhat young ages. Dale Murphy and Jim Rice come to mind right off the bat.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Not sure he stopped putting forth any effort. It is simply that the Tigers signed him to a horrible long term contract and injuries did him in (just like with Pujols). I think he ruptured a tendon in his left arm in 2017 or 2018 and hasn't really been the same since. Without the contract Miggy would have retired 2 or 3 years ago but only an idiot would walk away from $30 million a year.
I suspect the last 5 years of Aaron Judge's career will look similar to how Miggy and Pujols closed out their careers due to injuries. I suspect the back end of Mike Trout's contract may also look similarly bad since he doesn't appear to be capable of playing without getting injured.
Good points. I think it will become more and more common to see formerly great players hang around because of the gigantic dollars involved. I dont blame miggy, albert or future Trout or Judge for hanging on to get that money.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
The road to the top is a long hard climb. But the ride down sure is a fast, slippery slope.
It should also be noted that along with the injuries he also had to deal with the death of an owner that turned the organizational philosophy from win at all costs to tanking for a few years. Thats hard to be motivated in that environment under any circumstances. Then on top of it he had a very nasty long down out divorce he was dealing with
Wisconsin 2-6 against the SEC since 2007
All you have to do is look at his physique to see the effort he puts forth. Couple nights ago, he hit a ball to the wall - and he didn't even consider looking for a double. He's wildly out of shape for a highly-paid athlete.
Tom Brady he is not.