Is there a list with images of the known rpm's for the 64 D Jef nickel

in Q & A Forum
I found this1964 D Jefferson nickel with a definite D/D RPM but unlike the ones ive found images of. I've posted pics here for any help on this one i can get. However; more importantly, is there site for nickels similar to Mr. Daughtreys'
I'll agree with the MD (what's the P?). But here's a list of RPMs anyways.......... JN RPMs/RPMs 1964D.htm
And a good read regarding Machine Doubling...........
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
Try to post coin related things on the US coin forum, that way they get more traffic.
Type collector, mainly into Seated. -formerly Ownerofawheatiehorde. Good BST transactions with: mirabela, OKCC, MICHAELDIXON, Gerard
Sorry about that. I wasnt aware it was the wrong place. Just out of curiosity though what place is this that makes it not coin related? I had questions... that's the first word in questions and answers, correct? Thanks for the heads up though, I appreciate it.
There is nothing wrong with posting in this forum and you will get answers, I think that what Ownerofawheatiehorde was saying is that US coins would get more exposure in the U. S. Coin Forum. There are a lot more members that follow that forum than this one.
In this case, there is no need to repost the question - the answers given are correct. The mint mark has machine doubling, and the varietyvista link supplied by @Steven59 is the right place to go to see images of known RPM varieties for the date.