Set Registry customer service phone number not working!

I had a question about releasing a cert. The 18778881318 phone number rings a couple times then gives me a couldn't connect message. This has been going on for 2 days now. Can someone try to see if it's just me or if the number is down. Thanks.
I just called registry myself. " No one is available to take your call. Please leave a message " I asked for a callback & left my number. We'll see what happens.
Good luck getting any response. I have been waiting for a response to an email for a long time. I have chased and chased and nothing in response at all. The last email I got was on 4 August where I was told ‘I am not ignoring you’. They clearly now are. I have had requests open since early June. A set request pending since April. It’s a total joke at the moment. This is all relevant to world coin sets so perhaps they prioritise US coins?
Currently looking for Proof Half Sovereigns…….
I would imagine that like many companies, they prioritize money at the expense of service and personnel. Just a guess, but that appears to be a common thread amongst many businesses.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
No doubt true, but as someone who consigns both coins for grading I would hope to have a consistent service to others who grade regardless of the origin of the coin. Anyway, this isn’t my thread - just my experience of being ignored. Apologies to the OP for hijacking it! Cheers!
Currently looking for Proof Half Sovereigns…….
Hmmm !!!!! I left a message and my number yesterday. About 2 hours later I got a call back. Got a solution to my problem. Most times when I call. I get answered and they take care of my issues. I believe this is the 3rd time I've left a message. I've always got a callback the same day.
It's my phone. For whatever reason it won't connect. I borrowed a phone to test the number and got through. Time for a new phone I guess.
Good to see those who can phone getting responses. Anyone else having their email correspondence ignored? I could phone but it would cost an absolute fortune from the UK. Plus, I have an ongoing discussion about a few issues and it has just stopped so I don’t see why I should have to call. Maybe I’m being daft and should just call…
Currently looking for Proof Half Sovereigns…….
Numerous set requests were sent in Feb of 2023. Out of the 4 requests, 1 was done in about a month (Capped Bust Dimes with Major varieties Low Ball) yet all of the others have not been accomplished?? I would think one of the sets which has not been accomplished and is the "Brother" to the dime set; Capped Bust Quarter with major varieties Low Ball. Why wasn't this set accomplished alongside the dime set??? This quarter set is just about 100% complete, and without saying, a very complicated, tough set to complete. Come on PCGS, lets get going!
I hope you're young....
Me and a few others have been asking for CAC sets to be added for YEARS!!!
Still nothing!
My Indians
Danco Set
Mike, nice Indian set!! check out the Malibou Lake Low Ball set, I believe you'll appreciate one with varieties, but with much lower grades...
Does anyone even get through to PCGS? I have been on hold now for 50 minutes. Not very Professional for a company that is suppose to be professional. If they are not going to answer calls they should say so and tell you to leave a number for a call back. There shouldn't even be an option to be on hold.
It took waiting on hold for 1hour and 40 minutes, but someone did finally answer the phone.