Ever had any major injuries?

in Sports Talk
The Aaron Rodgers injury got me thinking about the injuries I've suffered during my life, I've been fortunate enough to have never broken any bones or sprained anything, I've had a few ding ups.
- 4 concussions
- Bruised tailbone
- Bruised ribs (twice)
- Pulled back muscle
- Hit in eye by baseball (eye swelled up, looked like grapefruit)
- Pulled neck muscle
surprisingly, nothing sports related worse than a sprained ankle.
as an adult, I came off a ladder the fast way and landed wrong on my right foot. I broke and dislocated all 5 metatarsals from my midfoot. Super painful and super ugly to look at. I am thankful they didn't come out of the skin. I was non-weight-bearing for 4 months. Took 3 surgeries and a bunch of screws to make it right again.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
The most painful memory I have is riding my bike on concrete without the rubber handlebar grips and crashing and my pinkie finger was between the concrete and end of handlebar and end of finger just got crushed. Several stitches, still have a scar. Otherwise…..
Stitches in forehead
Broke left arm
Broke left arm again following year
At least 2 concussions probably more. At least 1 in football.
3 severe ankle sprains.
Knee injury playing softball. Probably need knee replacement in future.
Dislocated finger playing basketball.
Too many bumps and bruises to mention.
So far still alive after prostate cancer
holy cow Darin. you have been through the wringer!!
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
I broke my left thumb playing dodgeball. Got jammed when I failed to catch a ball. It didn't hurt much but I was pretty sure I had broken it right away, confirmed the next morning when it was black and blue.
Only time I had a cast and I made them cut it off after 2-3 weeks.
The substantial truth doctrine is an important defense in defamation law that allows individuals to avoid liability if the gist of their statement was true.
I've played a lot of baseball and football. Fortunately no injuries with that or anything else in life that that would be considered serious or even semi-serious.
A pulled hamstring is all i can think of during summer football practice, and I just played thru it.
Wow Darin, that's some serious stuff, I feel like a wuss when I look at your list. You're one tough dude, tough as nails, I salute you with a manly meme!
I didn’t think my list was that bad especially spaced out over 59 years.😛
My oldest brother had 5 knee surgeries from his teens to early twenties.
The last one he was in centerfield and I was in rightfield, a ball came at him and at the last second he decided he couldn’t catch it and tried to stop and his knee gave out.
He let out the most non stop cuss words I’ve ever witnessed in my life.😱
He also had shoulder surgery a few months ago and has to have the other one done also.
Sports related:
1. Broken wrist
2. Broken arm on a dunk attempt lol
3. Numerous concussions
4. Enough ankle sprains that somedays you could hear my ankles clicking as I walk lol
Nonsports related:
1. Broken wrist, the other one
2. Eye injury that left me blind in one eye for one year and required two surgeries
3. More concussions including one where a guy at a gas station drove off with the gas nozzle still plugged into his car and it eventually shot back like an elastic hitting me in the back of the head. Had I been facing the opposite direction I'd probably be dead
4. Got sick with Legionnaires disease not to long ago that has left some PITA lingering breathing problems
I'm sure I have plenty more for each category but these are the ones off the top of my head.
Erikthredd’s MJ Collection: https://www.psacard.com/psasetregistry/publishedset/395035
Erikthredd’s Nike Air Jordan Collection: https://www.psacard.com/psasetregistry/basketball/key-card-sets/nike-poster-cards-michael-jordan-1985-1992/alltimeset/408486
Eric, I hope your breathing problems clear up.
The gas hose accident, wow what a freak accident! It seems like there could have easily been a fire if the nozzle had hit something metal and caused a spark. I’ve seen a couple videos where a person forgot the nozzle was still attached and drove off and the hose broke. Then somebody following them would record them driving on the highway dragging a gas hose without even knowing.
Thanks Darin. My breathing problems have only gotten worse since then and eventually led to lumps on my lungs that thankfully wasn't cancer but required me to take enough steroids to make Barry Bonds blush. 😉
The gas pump accident was the most freakish thing, one minute I'm standing in front of the credit card machine to sign for the gas for my work van then a second later I'm hit & stumbling away trying to figure out what the hell just happened. It was a full service gas station and the attendant took the guys money but forgot to take the nozzle out. I got hit right behind my ear,there's blood everywhere and I was spitting up chunks of teeth from the back of my mouth.
Turns out the gas station video cameras didn't work which was complete BS and even though it happened on the job workman's comp wouldn't cover the time out of work to deal with it. After racking up a decent amount of medical/dental bills I ended up getting a lawyer and sued the driver's insurance company. That was a rough time dealing with not only the injury but all of the BS that came with it. FYI NEVER choose a lawyer because he pays for the ad on to be promoted on top of the local yelow pages
Erikthredd’s MJ Collection: https://www.psacard.com/psasetregistry/publishedset/395035
Erikthredd’s Nike Air Jordan Collection: https://www.psacard.com/psasetregistry/basketball/key-card-sets/nike-poster-cards-michael-jordan-1985-1992/alltimeset/408486
Broken nose - softball to the face on a throw from shortstop to me at catcher trying to stop a runner from scoring.....he was out; I spent the next three days in the Air Force base hospital.
Three broken vertabrae (twice) - both times falling down icy/snow covered stairs.
Three broken ribs and a bashed/torn up knee - My rolling luggage hit a seam in the concrete in an airport parking garage, and I went down hard. I spent the next three days driving a U-Haul truck from Austin TX to Las Vegas NV.
Pinched nerve and three bone spurs in my neck.
"So far still alive after prostate cancer"
I can't speak for cancer, but I have had some prostate issues, and am well read on the subject.
There's a lot of info out there on the prostate, but this is what I've found to be most helpful. Sorry to say you are going to need to make changes, perhaps major changes, in your diet. There's really no other choice.
Again, I can't speak for the cancer, but I would strongly advise if possible, to not go thru prostate surgery if/when your prostate is benign again. Long story short, I refused the surgery advice from urologists, and decided to try to solve the problem myself. My prostate didn't go back to what it was when I was 18 years old, but with the dietary changes, it is acceptable now.
The dietary changes should if not possibly will prevent the cancer from coming back. As well as preventing other types of cancer and disease.
There are many "prostate diets" on the internet. Many of them offering sound advice.
Some no brainers and then you can refine it from here. Spicy food needs to be eliminated for best results. I'm not saying that some spices can't be enjoyed at times. But items such as "hot sauce", etc, has to go.
Processed foods such as basically almost everything in the frozen food section, very sorry to say, has to go. Exceptions are frozen fruit and veggies, with no additives, 100% natural, organic is definitely preferred. For example frozen organic blueberries, I believe are healthier than fresh blueberries for a number of reasons. Same with certain organic veggies.
Junk food, heavily salted and sugared food such as the usual pretzels, potato chips, candy, etc, has to go.
There's more, but doing the mentioned may be over half the battle. Again, plenty of good info on websites about prostate diets. Also some good Youtube videos as well on the subject.
Best of luck in your recovery!
Numerous. Torn PCL, knee cartilage reconstruction, broken wrist, torn hamstring, UCL damage just to name some. Its not fun and high level sports do lead to these things unfortunately
Wisconsin 2-6 against the SEC since 2007
Very interesting reading over the comments, that gas station story is insane, I didn't realize something like that could happen. We spend so much time on the sports forum talking about sports, I appreciate you guys sharing some of your personal stories with us, and I wish you all the best health going forward. 🖒
Badly sprained ankle at 19 years old, broken nose, fractured wrist all from playing basketball.
As a hockey goalie i received a puck in the mask and it gave me a detached retina like sugar Ray Leonard the boxer the sudden jolt was the culprit, i could nor work for 6 months.
Not a major injury,5 stitches top of head. One of those stupid games we played as kids:frozen mud ball wars. I was a recipient of one of them on top of my head. We also had frozen snowball fights in July. Stored them during the winter in our home freezers. You wonder how we survived so many of these "games".
2 concussions this summer for a known total of 9, 5 were KOs. 1 highschool football, one street ball with the neighbor kids were sports related, the rest were a mix of things. 3 split my head open for stitches. one was my own jeep slamming me into the driveway and running me over, was about 3 inches from having my head crushed flat instead of having tire tread bruises from my knee all the way up my side/arm/shoulder - total luck I didn't die that night coming home from work
blown ligaments/tendons in my left elbow from sed jeep christine action
cracked rib
fractured fibula and severe ankle roll at the same time
not sports but hip replacement a few years ago due to a bone disease from when I was a kid, 2" leg lengthening added at the time, that will mess up your walking/balance for a while (still for me)
dislocated hip from a dirtbike crash
good times all around...i've had to write down the concussions and keep a list, every year I tried to remember I would forget one for a few weeks....
good times
I'm Just In A Lot Of Pain...
On Thursday afternoon I fell down the stairs....and my knees are in Pain....Big Time...
and my left knee is not in the greatest shape from 2 previous injuries....
and last night I tried to get an ice water from upstairs....I took baby steps trying to get upstairs and I fell again, falling on the left side of my body, my rib section is Very Tender....
now for me to get up and walk to my TV room is Very Painful...
I know there's No Way I could go upstairs and try to go outside and check on the snail mail, but that's OK I've been getting outbid on some material....
Yes it is Very Painful for me to get up and try to walk 4' to get to my desk top....
and about 10-15 minutes ago, my P's called trying to see if I wanted anything for late lunch... Um that was a Freak Show for me to get up and walk to the phone...
so GRP is kind of out of commission for a while...
Now before I forget, I would be greatly overjoyed for some Get Well Cards....and not those Artsy Fartsy Lovey Dovey Cards either.... just hook me up with my guys....
sorry to hear of your misadventures GRP. you take it easy today and just lay low and watch some football.
drs. orders!!
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
my rib section is doing Much Better...i feel that I'm not physically where I'd like to be...I'm hoping by late Wed's or Thurs I should be Ok...
I'm pretty clumsy, but luckily nothing really serious when it came to sports related injuries. I've had a minor concussion, a few stitches on my head, and quite a few sprained ankles.
For non-sports related injury, the worst was definitely getting 26 stitches on my head and 6 stitches on my face when I was about 5 years old. Second worst injury pales in comparison to that one though
Back in college playing football I leapt up to knock down a pass and had my feet kicked out from
under me. I came down horizontal with my chest crushing my left hand. It knocked the wind
out of me so I didn't realize I had broken my pinky finger near my wrist until several hours later.
On a break at work I was playing basketball in the parking lot when I ran after a loose ball and
stepped wrong on one of those cement stops at the end of parking spaces, I broke my right
ankle. Out of work for 5 weeks. Some of my coworkers were peeved I was out for so long.
Try driving when a cast prevents any flexibility using a vehicles gas pedal.
Torn rotator cuff (caused by an hour of "showing off") -- ended my baseball-playing days
I think that "showing off" has ended poorly for a bunch of us. self-included. I am glad I am past that age!!
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.