Super Bowl III was fixed according to Bubba Smith

in Sports Talk
Colts 18 point favorites
Unbelievable defensive team
Baltimore out gains the Jets on the ground
Morral and Unitas threw 4 picks
Namath 0 picks
Bubba Smith says it was fixed
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Erba - coolstanley-dallasactuary-SDsportsfan
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Erba - coolstanley-dallasactuary-SDsportsfan
The Jets greatest win ever due to Morrall’s 9.3 QB rating which is simply unheard of for any SB QB. You’ll never find another quite like it.
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Erba - coolstanley-dallasactuary-SDsportsfan
There has been talk of this for years. One theory suggested that the fix was in to hasten the merger of the 2 leagues. The Jets win legitimatizing their equality to the older league.
We'll never know for sure..........alot of games, even now a days, seem like they could be fixed.
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
Exactly but that's a lot of mouths that would need to be kept shut
Not necessarily fixed, but there are teams and players that very likely are aware of over unders and spreads. Penn State scoring a TD with 6 seconds left up by over two TDs against WV in week 1....
It doesnt mean anyone is fixing the game or throwing it but there are teams that do things to tack on points that have no impact on the game or what their rankings would be
I dont really see anything wrong with it in all honesty as long as it just involves running up the score. If youre trying to score more the other team should stop you. At the same time if someone gets injured in doing so you deserve all the criticism that you get.
Wisconsin 2-6 against the SEC since 2007
I agree with Paul. There's no conceivable way that something this juicy could have been kept secret for this long.
Besides, even though I was just a kid back then, I watched the game live with family and friends who were very knowledgeable football fans, and none of them uttered a word of any sort that the fix was in. And I know they would have said something during the game if they thought there were shenanigans going on.
What may at times seem like a team is running up a score may well be a player padding his stats. Those numbers are bargaining chips come contract time.
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Erba - coolstanley-dallasactuary-SDsportsfan
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Erba - coolstanley-dallasactuary-SDsportsfan