Help me identify these Japanese notes.

Can anyone tell me what years these were printed, what denominations they are, or how common they may be. Very much appreciated.
Can anyone tell me what years these were printed, what denominations they are, or how common they may be. Very much appreciated.
I’m no help at all. Have you tried here ? -
If you duplicate the image X6, then crop each image to the border of each note, label each (even Japan1, etc), you can then input each note in Numista. It will give you a list of possible notes but the first one will likely be it. Just as I explained on the PMF Zack.

The alternative (if you cannot follow my directions) is to register on Numista & post your image again there to seek answers. There are a lot more World currency collectors there than here, Cointalk or PMF.
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Thanks @Steve_in_Tampa and @Serial_no_8 for your responses.
(1) Top Left: P 39 5 yen introduced 1930; withdrawn 1946. Curved main title. Common note
(2) Top right: P 51 10 yen 1943-1944 very common note
(3) Middle left: P 49 1 yen 1943 very common note
(4) Middle right: P 30c 1 yen convertible silver issue. High block number (over 300) so common note - but cool
(5) Bottom: P 59 50 sen 1942-1944 extremely common note
@beryl, Thank you for their identification. I appreciate your time. Figured they were common, but you never know. Again thank you.