Was Clemente the best right fielder from the mid-50’s to 1970 ?

in Sports Talk
I feel like the Pirates had the best in Clemente and Parker until the early 1980’s but I don’t know for sure. Thanks
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Erba - coolstanley-dallasactuary-SDsportsfan
Hank Aaron was, and by a mile.
Oh rats. Thought of Aaron at 1st base for some reason.
Yes, by a mile !!!!!!!!!!
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Erba - coolstanley-dallasactuary-SDsportsfan
Rocky Colavito and Al Kaline were better than Clemente in the mid to late 1950s and even extending into the early 1960s. I like Clemente- great player and right fielder- but covering the mid 1950s to 1970 is one tall order for anyone. The better argument for Clemente would be start later- perhaps 1963 or 64
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Frank Robinson was also mostly a RF, and considerably better than Clemente.
Coinkat is correct, Clemente’s last 13 years were his best. 1960-72.
Those 13 years could probably be equal to or better than any 13 year stretch by Kaline or Colavito but of course not Aaron.
The great one’s numbers from 1960-72…….
.330 batting avg.
.375 obp
.503 slugging
.878 ops
144 ops+
Just for fun I compared Clemente’s run to a favorite of mine, george Brett’s best 13 year run 1976-88.
.316 batting avg
.386 obp.
.522 slugging
.908 ops
149 ops+
The weird thing about Clemente is he did not have any old man years to knock down his stats even though he was 38 when he tragically passed away but had 5 mediocre young man years before he achieved greatness.
Brett had 3 old man years that knocked down his ob, slug, ops ops+ etc. as is common for players who hang on a little too long.