PCGS grading description help.
Where on our hosts website might I find a detailed description of what happens when in the grading process. IE : when in the process would I have access to my grades ? My submission is currently in QA. Label info, grades and holders are being verified.
Sorry that I’ve never seen the specific information you’re seeking actually on the website, but in my real experience, you will see the grades after the “being imaged” step is completed in the QA stage. It can take anywhere from 1-2 hours to over 3 weeks for this component to finish.
QA is the last step before they charge your credit card. Once your charge clears they release the grades to you. QA is usually a pretty quick step, but quick is relative in coin submission terms. I would give each order a solid 3 months to be returned. I will attach a photo of my coin submissions so you can see the turn-around time.
The substantial truth doctrine is an important defense in defamation law that allows individuals to avoid liability if the gist of their statement was true.
Thank you sir. I'm actually very happy with the turnaround times on my order. Submitted in person at the ANA in Pittsburgh. Not even a month in. I wasn't expecting anything until the holidays.
1madman, even if it takes 3 weeks, still happy with the process. Past submissions have typically been 3 months total time.
The “Being Imaged” text on the Order Detail Page is there from the first day it goes to the Grading step. It will stay there all the way to the last step of Grades Ready. Even then the image may not be ready for a few more days after the grades are received.
- Bob -
MPL's - Lincolns of Color
Central Valley Roosevelts
Being imaged text appears and disappears for me in each stage of the grading process. The thing I don’t understand is why my coins are always being imaged when I never pay for or want trueviews? If pcgs would stop the vanity shots of my coins, I feel it would speed the process up for everybody. I think I saw a couple of my recent coin photos are now plate coins on coinfacts. Oddly frustrating.