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Ted Williams or Barry Bonds



  • coolstanleycoolstanley Posts: 3,056 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Barry Bonds

    How did Bonds violate the rules? Last time I checked all of his records are valid.

    Terry Bradshaw was AMAZING!!

    Ignore list -Basebal21

  • 1948_Swell_Robinson1948_Swell_Robinson Posts: 2,020 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @coolstanley said:
    How did Bonds violate the rules? Last time I checked all of his records are valid.

    Does your willingness to take a blind eye have anything to do with the Steelers of the 1970's being accused of being steroid users?

    https://bleacherreport.com/articles/32363-terry-bradshaws-steroids-revelation-who-cares#:~:text=Last Thursday on Dan Patrick's,thought nothing of it...

  • 4for44for4 Posts: 675 ✭✭✭
    Ted Williams

    @thisistheshow said:

    @Mistlin said:
    It’s humorous to see those so quick to dismiss Bonds as having “cheated” without recognizing (a) he was a great player before the suspected PED use and (b) PED use was widespread throughout MLB (Sosa and McGwire’s PED-fueled 1998 race saved baseball), so even by using he was simply leveling the playing field.

    Also, this insistence of giving Williams credit for years not playing is just bad logic. You don’t get to assume what his production would have been for games not played, regardless of the reason. While admirable that Williams lost time played to serve in the war, that doesn’t automatically allow for additional stats to be moved into his column.

    All we can do is look at the counting stats to compare the players, You may not like Bonds allegedly took PEDs (no positive test does not allow you to suggest more than allegation) and you may hate that Williams lost years to the war, but the numbers on the books remain.

    Williams was an amazing hitter. There is no one suggesting otherwise. With that said - Bonds absolutely wallops Williams.

    Hey @Mistlin welcome to Sports Talk

    What made you join in 2007 but not comment for 16 years?

    ~asking for a friend...🤷

    This is amazing.

    Forum members on ignore
    Erba - coolstanley-dallasactuary-SDsportsfan

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