Favorite football card of all-time?

in Sports Talk
For me, 1982 Topps Joe Montana, I love the image of him on the sideline phone, Joe Cool.
hey Roron Aadgers...
My #1 All Time Favorite...1979 Grocery Wax Tray...

Or my 1950 Bowman John Rauch + my Gmail avatar... I love those night time lights on this one...

Or my current desk top screen saver...

hey Roron Aadgers...
How many of my #1 Favorites am I allowed to post here ???
Favorite football card of all-time?

with a gum & wax stain...
As many as you wish!
By the way, this is my second favorite football card of all-time, the 2005 Topps Aaron Rodgers rookie card.
I hope that there's enough space here...
Favorite football card of all-time?

some highlights...
Favorite football card of all-time?

time for a snack...let's have some Slim-Jim's...
Favorite football card of all-time?

1980 grocery rack w/79 wax pack wrappers...
hey that's GroceryRackPack's avatar here on the forum...
I did not know this was a an actual card. I just thought it was a rookie hazing photo, but not on a card.
for me it is, of course, a Tommy rookie. I think either the 2000 contenders rookie ticket or 2000 bowman chrome refractor.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Damn I did a good job photoshopping that. 😂😂
I always thought this was a neat card. This is just a file photo but I do have it in my collection (PSA 7)
Yeah it's Pretty Cool Lookin'...

His double MVP year(League MVP, Super Bowl MVP)
Terry Bradshaw was AMAZING!!
Ignore list -Basebal21
Favorite football card of all-time?

One of my favorites to show to @LandrysFedora
Yo Landry...check it out...
Mr, Lambert gave a young 10 year old Landrys Fedora many a nightmare back in the day.
I love the 2008 Upper Deck Masterpieces set, some of the most iconic images in football history presented in beautiful artwork. Here we have the famous image of a bloody Y.A. Tittle on his knees.
That is awesome DD!
that was the best that I could do for ya...I don't own any Terrible Towels to show you...
Yes it is, I love that image of Y.A. Tittle, tough as nails!