Where did you buy your wax packs as a kid
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This was my place. A coke slurpee and a pack of cards. 😊
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Erba - coolstanley-dallasactuary-SDsportsfan
Just a little Mom & Pop down from my Grandpa and Grandma. No longer store.
We lived on a farm and we had chickens, so as to make ends meet, my Mom would go into town and sell the eggs from our chickens. Us grandkids stayed with the grandparents while she went out and hocked eggs.
A local Cumberland Farms store played a huge role in my starting into the hobby as a kid around '86-87. CF was the only store around my neighborhood at the time that sold 1986 Fleer basketball packs for .65 cents/pack.
You'd walk into the store and they'd have this like 2' wide/3' tall basket near the registers where they dumped all kinds of random stuff in inculding packs of trading cards. IIRC they sold '86 Fleer for awhile almost to around the time that 1988 Fleer basketball got released,I don't remember them ever having any other 1987 packs though.
There was a time back then when I could fill a 9ct page with these but this is the only MJ rookie that I didn't sell off through my high school years.
Then directly across the street from the school I went to for 8 years was a small convenience store that had packs of literally everything but basketball. That was always fun stopping in before & after school to grab some packs.
Erikthredd’s MJ Collection: https://www.psacard.com/psasetregistry/publishedset/395035
Erikthredd’s Nike Air Jordan Collection: https://www.psacard.com/psasetregistry/basketball/key-card-sets/nike-poster-cards-michael-jordan-1985-1992/alltimeset/408486
Where did you buy your wax packs as a kid?
Ben Franklin 105th Ewing South-side Chicago
hey 4for4 do you still have your cards from your 1st wax pack?
Wow. Love these responses!
Yes I do ! Here they are !
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Erba - coolstanley-dallasactuary-SDsportsfan
When I started collecting in the later 80s, everywhere sold cards. grocery stores, convenience stores, movie rental stores. There was a locksmith/office supply store in my small town and he started selling packs and singles and I spent so many many hours there looking and talking the hobby. I miss those days.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
I absolutely remember back in 1986 buying boxes and boxes of Topps Baseball cards and some Football, I painfully and vividly remember seeing rows of Fleer Basketball and never buying g any since I wasn't into NBA
Another fond memory I have is I remember my first trip ever to a card shop in 1987. A bunch of kids from my class/neighborhood would always meet up at this basketball court on saturday mornings to play for awhile and it was sort of a long walk from my house. So, just minutes before getting to the park I find a $10 bill on the ground and now I'm in a very good mood. We play ball for awhile and then someone suggested walking to a card shop called Collector's Coop,which turned out to be a real hike on foot lol but we eventually got there.
I ended up buying some supplies to protect my cards and one pack of '86 Fleer baseball that I pulled a Jose Canseco/Eric Plunk rookie from,which at the time (1987 baseball season) was one of the hottest cards behind Canseco's Donruss Rated Rookie.
I also got my first look at Star basketball cards that day with the mythical '84 Jordan 101,his Team USA card plus a lot of great Celtics & Lakers players cards. I eventually made it back to this shop in the near future to purchase the white version of the '85-86 Star Celtics team set and also the '85 Star Lite Beer All Stars set that featured the staring lineups for the AS game. Unfortunately i sold those off over the years.
Erikthredd’s MJ Collection: https://www.psacard.com/psasetregistry/publishedset/395035
Erikthredd’s Nike Air Jordan Collection: https://www.psacard.com/psasetregistry/basketball/key-card-sets/nike-poster-cards-michael-jordan-1985-1992/alltimeset/408486
My brother was older then me and had a paper route, so he collected all these bad boys.
He had every set from 71-73.
I started in 73 with wacky package and then sports in 74 and 75 but didn’t have the money like him.
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Erba - coolstanley-dallasactuary-SDsportsfan
A dime store called Spicer's. Torn down long ago, unfortunately.
@4for4 Your experience sounds exactly like mine! I bought Wacky Packs series 1-7 before shifting my focus to ‘74 baseball. Mostly from this spot in Bay Ridge Brooklyn (liquor store next door took it over years ago)….
I got most of mine from a couple different mom and pop stores on Cape Cod. I also remember the 1970 Topps hockey cards I got from the A & P Market. I loved the orange glow of the 1970 Bruins cards. Brings back lots of memories.
A little sports card shop called RBI Sports Cards, it was in the bottom floor of a shopping mall, my grandmother used to take me there. The mall was torn down years ago, they also sold sports memorabilia and my grandmother bought me an autographed Willie Mays baseball one year for my birthday, I lost the ball when we were moving one year, we were using a moving company and it just disappeared, they claimed they didn't know what happened to it.
Local grocery store chain called Giant. Started buying packs in 1969 baseball. Woolworth's
Kmart and a 5 and 10 called Emery's. Food Lion took over the Giant mid 80's. no more
sports cards. Saw my first Rack pack and cello in 1981.
Great thread for so many reasons-
It really was a different world 40-50 and 60 years ago. And equally important is simply how cards were handled- who the intended buyer was and how they stored.
So the grading standards of today basically imply that every kid should have had top loaders and sleeves in their possession before they were available.
This is rich... very rich.
Experience the World through Numismatics...it's more than you can imagine.
Sadly, I never answer the question... Ice cream truck which produced a number of high number 1966 topps cards which I traded in the 1980's for something I wanted more at that time. And one of the cards was the Gaylord Perry
Experience the World through Numismatics...it's more than you can imagine.
love the dog image
Experience the World through Numismatics...it's more than you can imagine.
Why is his ear inside out?
Thank you kindly, I do take pride in my animal memes and gifs!
Good question, perhaps we'll start a thread about it someday. 🤔
So how far were you from the Topps factory in Brooklyn ? OMG
Did you ever go in ?
This is probably what you rode to the store with.
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Erba - coolstanley-dallasactuary-SDsportsfan
So I didn’t have much money from 73-75 and bought very little.
However in 1985 when I was in college and working and Mario Lemieux came to the NHL I had 1985 Topps hockey wax boxes every weekend 😂
Sadly I also bought a lot of 1987 Topps baseball when I should have been buying pre-80’s stuff instead.
I never saw a Fleer bb box. Never sold them near me.
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Erba - coolstanley-dallasactuary-SDsportsfan
So this was my first pack in 1973.
40 years later I’m going through my parents old photo albums to take pictures I want before they pass.
If you look closely these are not cards. I pasted these in 1973 in my parents albums and cut them out of the albums 40 years later not remembering I had ever done that.
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Erba - coolstanley-dallasactuary-SDsportsfan
I actually don't remember any hockey cards bring sold, must be a regional or store thing idk
But either way it's absolutely painful thinking about those Fleer Basketball just lined up there.
Around that time I remember going to a Star Market store in the city visiting my grandparents and seeing a small dedicated shelf near checkout for cards, I wonder if there would have been the Star Jordan cards in there? Was "Star" related to Star Market?
Also when I was a kid back in the early 80's I remember having stacks of Wacky Packages, I think 1982/1983?
A little Mom & Pop store at the end of my street (now a Pizza-Sub shop)
Still have a bunch of the 1978 Topps Baseball and the 1979 Topps Hockey
From my first submission to PSA
I doubt that Star market had anything to do with the Star card company back then. Star basketball cards were sold in sealed bags that were either team sets or subsets. Here's a Bulls team set below that someone is selling on ebay right now.
I worked at Market Basket from around 1989 to 1991 and I remember when 1989 Upper Deck got released the store had this huge display that featured Ken Griffey Jr then a year or two later another one with Frank Thomas. They also had the inaugural season for basketball with an MJ display setup. That damn store had me hooked where I was practically working for packs of Upper Deck packs of cards. 🤣
Erikthredd’s MJ Collection: https://www.psacard.com/psasetregistry/publishedset/395035
Erikthredd’s Nike Air Jordan Collection: https://www.psacard.com/psasetregistry/basketball/key-card-sets/nike-poster-cards-michael-jordan-1985-1992/alltimeset/408486
You guys get extra credit if you remember when Market Basket was Demoulas.
My Great Grandfather used to say
"Demoulasas" lol
Extra extra credit if any of you remember,,,
Mammoth Mart
Child World
Everyone but Mammoth Mart
Back in the early 1990's I started off buying packs at my local corner store. Would stop maybe twice a month and pick up 10$ - 20$ worth of NHL OPC hockey cards. In the summers they also had baseball cards. Up here in Canada back then hockey was the main packs you would find for sale. I never saw NBA or NFL packs until maybe mid 1990's. Mostly NBA because of Jordan. The NFL were found in sport card shops.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Demoulas is the family's name that owns Market Basket. Not to long ago the father who was in charge of it all died then his family fought over who would end up in charge of the stores. It got so bad that the store employees boycotted and when you went into the store there were pretty much empty shelves throughout.
Here's a pretty crazy story that happened right around the time that I stopped working at MB. The store manager,a local bakery and certain members of the mob all got caught by the FBI for stealing then selling cartons of cigarettes throughout the area.
The manager would leave a certain amount of cartons out that would get picked up real early in the morning by a local bakery who was dropping off their own daily products to the store and the bakery would then hand it over to someone else who went around to different places selling the cartons off. This happened over a long period of time and IIRC MB was screwed out of millions.
Erikthredd’s MJ Collection: https://www.psacard.com/psasetregistry/publishedset/395035
Erikthredd’s Nike Air Jordan Collection: https://www.psacard.com/psasetregistry/basketball/key-card-sets/nike-poster-cards-michael-jordan-1985-1992/alltimeset/408486
I remember Bradlee's,Zayres and Ames. One that you forgot was Kmart which was one of the best places to buy older boxes of cards.
I left the hobby for a couple years around '94-95 then came back in '96 and Kmart always had that first aisle next to register #1 where there were just boxes upon boxes stacked.
I'd dig through and there would be stuff released throughout the 90's which was great when looking for certain rookies from a certain year. The best part was the boxes cost anywhere from $10-30 at most.
There were times where I'd find 5-6 boxes that I'd want but only had enough for 2-3 so I'd take the rest to the toys area and stash them up on the top shelves behind stuff so no one would see them lol. I'd come back and grab them on payday, worked every time. 😉
Erikthredd’s MJ Collection: https://www.psacard.com/psasetregistry/publishedset/395035
Erikthredd’s Nike Air Jordan Collection: https://www.psacard.com/psasetregistry/basketball/key-card-sets/nike-poster-cards-michael-jordan-1985-1992/alltimeset/408486
K B toys was another great place to find older boxes of retail but their prices were a bit higher than KMart's.
Erikthredd’s MJ Collection: https://www.psacard.com/psasetregistry/publishedset/395035
Erikthredd’s Nike Air Jordan Collection: https://www.psacard.com/psasetregistry/basketball/key-card-sets/nike-poster-cards-michael-jordan-1985-1992/alltimeset/408486
I figured K Mart was too easy, K B Toys I remember but forgot until you mentioned it.
Since we are bringing up old school stores I have to mention Electronics Boutique, thst was my favorite place to.get video games
In the fifties and sixties most confectionary stores sold wax packs of baseball and hockey cards after opening the packs we played games with the singles tossing them against a wall a predetermined amount was decided after 10 cards or so the closest to the wall one,another game was topsies we stood 15 feet away from a wall like most games we would fling cards till one landed on another the winner took all the cards because his card landed on the other first,we also leaned a card on a wall the first person to knock it down won all the cards that were previously tossed I am surprised of the amount of older Parkhurst hockey cards that are in great shape because they were ruined or out mothers tossed them out because they were laying around the house.
Toy R Us and Woolworths had some pretty cool sets of baseball too.
Erikthredd’s MJ Collection: https://www.psacard.com/psasetregistry/publishedset/395035
Erikthredd’s Nike Air Jordan Collection: https://www.psacard.com/psasetregistry/basketball/key-card-sets/nike-poster-cards-michael-jordan-1985-1992/alltimeset/408486
I remember in Cape Cod Mass. Bradlees, Zayers. I used to buy Starting lineups at Bradlees and Kmart.
How about Kings, Woolworth or Mars.
We played odds or evens.
Both fronts landing or both backs landing up was evens. A back and a front landing was odds.
Where did you live ? Hockey packs in the 50’s and 60’s ? Mostly original 6 towns, no ?
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Erba - coolstanley-dallasactuary-SDsportsfan
I remember 1990 opc premier hockey was the first pack I ever paid more then a dollar for.
Then it was 1990 UD French.
It was the beginning of the pricey pack Escalade.
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Erba - coolstanley-dallasactuary-SDsportsfan
That’s beautiful. An original pack pull or no ?
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Erba - coolstanley-dallasactuary-SDsportsfan
Never heard of Kings, I forgot about Mars though that is a good one!
I definitely knew of Woolworths but there wasnt one in my immediate area
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Erba - coolstanley-dallasactuary-SDsportsfan
If you are familiar with Hyannis Mass, Kings department store was right across from the airport on route 28 by the rotary . Not sure if it's were the Job Lot is or next door.
I started with 1989 OPC packs and progressed from there. It was a great time especially all the conventions we had here in Canada and the sport card stores everywhere as well. The 1990's were a fun time for sure!!!
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
I thought they were thrown out by my parents, but I found them about five years later in a brown paper bag.
I believe I bought enough packs for at least one complete set.
At the time when I found them I had 4 Gretzkys, I only graded the one, it was the best looking one.
Good memories.
How about Caldor?
Bought my packs at the corner grocery store. Flipped them against the wall on the side of the store. Now we flip them in graded holders.
Caldor sounds familiar , not sure if there was one on the Cape.
Hi I live in Windsor Ontario across the river from Detroit yes we purchased packs of hockey and baseball cards.