My new / first-time eBay store!

Hello everyone! I am here today for two reasons: 1. to promote my newly created eBay store, and 2. to seek advice/recommendations from anyone who has experience in this area. I was recently laid off from the tech industry and have decided to turn my most beloved hobby into a career. I'm adding new coins to my store every day from my personal collection and can offer a small discount to fellow forum members (although I'm new here, I still want to be part of this community).
Without further adieu:
Thank you for your time and consideration.
When you sell on eBay you will get customers contacting you about missing packages more often than is reasonable. Just maintain a helpful attitude, usually the customer is just being a bit absent-minded frankly. I had a guy in a dorm not realize all the mail goes to one spot. I had another guy's wife get his package. The customers usually find it on their own package pretty quickly.
The substantial truth doctrine is an important defense in defamation law that allows individuals to avoid liability if the gist of their statement was true.
Thanks, that's helpful to know. Do you often encounter buyers who purchase an item but never pay and/or respond to messages? How long do you typically wait before you cancel their order?
I think that happened to me once a while ago. I know you can select an option to make people pay immediately when they buy. But I'm not sure how that works with auctions, I mostly do buy it now type things on eBay.
The substantial truth doctrine is an important defense in defamation law that allows individuals to avoid liability if the gist of their statement was true.