Can a FedEx delivery be rescheduled to a future date?

Can a graded card delivery be rescheduled to a future date using FedEx’s “Delivery Manager” if I know that I won’t be home? I wasn’t sure because this message is on the FedEx website:
“Due to shipper restrictions, additional delivery options are not available for this shipment. For more information please contact the shipper.”
I had graded cards rerouted to mu in-laws because it shipped when I was on a long vacation, or long enough the cards risked being shipped back. BUT, and it's a big but, FedEx wasn't able to allow me to re-route it. I had to contact PSA to get the change through. It was easy enough.
HOLD AT LOCATION. I choose the closest FedEx locale near me. All my PSA and BGS subs get held. I just pick them up showing my ID and tracking email.
I also have them hold at location...usually a Walgreens.
you can schedule a vacation hold with delivery manager. i think the max time is two weeks. if you need more time than that, then right when the vacation hold is about to end, schedule a hold a location. you can usually stretch things out about 3 weeks with this strategy