trade?/sale? - November 1990 SCD Baseball Card Price Guide Monthly - unopened - Jordan on cover

unopened, still in mailing bag, no mailing label
inside of magazine hasnt seen the light of day in almost 33 years!
would like a trade - though dont know how that would be worked out
would sale - but the monies would just go back into cards so could just cut out the middle man
ebay has the same magazine in the few hundred dollar range for one that is not in the mailing bag - so how much could/should this one go for?!
hope this is ok to post
would like to get it to a Jordan fan
How much are you asking and what condition is the magazine?
well the magazine is still in the mailing bag so Excellent? Mint?
the magazine not in the mailing bag is listed in the $100-$500 range on ebay
dont know how to put a value on this one, havent seen any that are still in the mailing bag
what are you offering?
If you are selling an item you should list a price.
if you are interested provide what you are willing to pay
the post says trade or sale
Ok I'm willing to pay $5. Do we have a deal or are you going to counter with a price?
Still waiting on a counter offer. Do you really want to sell this?
What eBay sellers list an item for is generally not a good indication of what that item is actually worth to
an interested buyer. You should look at what similar items have sold for and what value, if any, a plastic
bag adds to it.,guide,scd)+jordan+-beckett+(nov,november)&_sacat=0&LH_TitleDesc=0&rt=nc&LH_Sold=1&LH_Complete=1
I have noticed a recent trend of people putting cards up for sale without listing a price. Are you allowed to do this and if so why? I collected comics for ample years and on the CGC website a sale price was mandatory if you wanted to post. WIthout a price its all tire kicking and a big waste of people's time.